That is mad, Garg. I love it!
With Avenger III Infinite War, Deadpool 2, Death Wish, Han Solo, New Mutant and another Mission Impossible movie i am going to Start this Topic for 2018.
Add to the list what you are going to watch this year and comment the movies you saw.
Wish you all a Good Start for 2018.
I heard the new Han Solo is black.
Hollywood can kiss my a$$. If I wanted more PC indoctrination I’d go get another worthless liberal arts degree. Been there, done that.
Over the Winter months we might watch a few Agatha Christie mysteries from the library, the ones made by the BBC are surprisingly good, but you couldn’t pay me to sit through anything from tinsel-town.
But I’m a curmudgeonly old fart. :-D
Hollywood can kiss my a$$. If I wanted more PC indoctrination I’d go get another worthless liberal arts degree. Been there, done that.
Over the Winter months we might watch a few Agatha Christie mysteries from the library, the ones made by the BBC are surprisingly good, but you couldn’t pay me to sit through anything from tinsel-town.
But I’m a curmudgeonly old fart.  :-D
Bah Mungus :lol:
Hollywood can kiss my a$$.� If I wanted more PC indoctrination I’d go get another worthless liberal arts degree.� Been there, done that.
Over the Winter months we might watch a few Agatha Christie mysteries from the library, the ones made by the BBC are surprisingly good, but you couldn’t pay me to sit through anything from tinsel-town.
But I’m a curmudgeonly old fart.� � :-D
Bah Mungus :lol:
Number one priority for the Worsham family is Jurassic World, Fallen Kingdom.
I heard the new Han Solo is black.
Yawn… Han Solo was once married to a wookie (google it)…
Hostiles with Christian Bale looks cool. Though I am a sucker for Christian Bale movies.
Hostiles with Christian Bale looks cool. Though I am a sucker for Christian Bale movies.
I just hope it sticks to the winning formula of depicting all white folks as innocent victims and native Americans as bloodthirsty savages. Because we all know that’s what it was really like.
Hostiles with Christian Bale looks cool. Though I am a sucker for Christian Bale movies.
I just hope it sticks to the winning formula of depicting all white folks as innocent victims and native Americans as bloodthirsty savages. Because we all know that’s what it was really like.
It was. I was there.
It’s not a movie, but as a TV show I’m enjoying COLONY.
Kind of like a modern day V.
Saw “Darkest Hour” nominated for 6 Oscars last night……excellent movie on UK politics, May of 1940, can highly recommend it…Gary Oldman does a fantastic job as Winston Churchill.
Darkest Hour had 40 times more PLANES THAN Nolans Dunkirk, that’s why it got 6 and Nolan ZERO
Saw �Darkest Hour� nominated for 6 Oscars last night……excellent movie on UK politics, May of 1940, can highly recommend it…Gary Oldman does a fantastic job as Winston Churchill.
I quite agree. I recommend it too.
I saw Black Panther and i loved it!!
Black Panther is one of the best Marvel movies, due in large part to a well-drawn and acted badguy.
Darkest Hour is something I got to see. I am a huge Churchill fan.
DH had more German planes flying over Dunkirk than that silly Dunkirk movie by the same name.
I rarely go out to movies much (stupid kids and family get in the way… :x :lol:).
But I did manage to see Black Panther. To my utter surprise I enjoyed it. I usually hate, HATE superhero movies, but this one was ok. Probably somewhere between the great Dark Knight w/Joker (“it’s not about the money but about sending a message…”) or Bane (“do you feel in charge?”) and Wonder Woman, which I didn’t like mostly because the story sucked but to look at the WW was good.
I might, might, be tempted to see the Han Solo thing. But I was so disappointed by Force Awakens (I hated it, and fell asleep through much of it to boot) that I am not sure I can sit through another Disney Star Wars.
FINALLY!!! The Incredibles 2 is coming out June 18. I’m barely in the “Incrdible generation” and I’m super excited about it. If you haven’t seen the trailer for it, you can find it by Googling it. If you haven’t seen the first Incredibles, I definitely recommend seeing it. It is a great clean family movie.