Is that enough to balance the game, or would you still need a bid?
Would that be enough to sometimes motivate Japan to head east into the Pacific islands, or to head south toward Australia and South Africa? Or would every Japanese player still ignore the islands and blitz straight for Moscow?
Basically, you are adding a few IPCs to nearest TTs outside mainland Asia in PTO.
It is hard to find if this can be enough to make it a workable strategy for Japan.
As you showed me elsewhere (in 1941 setup for 1942.2), the main issue for Japan is to get higher incomes while investing in naval and amphibious conquest. Meanwhile, mainland Asia is not generous but still take less resources to get the numerous 1 IPC TTs. Also make IJA nearer Moscow for a pincer with Germany.
Balance issue is another question, in theory, this additional money input might help tweak balance toward a no bid game.
I’m more interested to look into incentive for increasing action in PTO.
By itself, older ideas about giving 1 IPC to 0 IPC islands is just a long and difficult road to cash grab and it gives almost same money to Japan and US+UK. But, it still requires more resources from Japan compared to mainland Asia cash grab.
Thinking in the path you opened up, what about increasing these single shot cash grab for Alaska, Hawaii and Eastern or Western Australia?
What if, these TTy can be more attractive like 4 IPCs Caucasus or DEI?
Alaska, Hawaii, Eastern Australia rising to 4 IPCs each.
And New Zealand and Western Australia to 2 IPCs?
Alaska (2) becomes 4 = +2
Hawaii (1) becomes 4 = +3
Eastern Australia (1) becomes 4 = +3
Western Australia (1) becomes 2 = +1
New Zealand (1) becomes 2 = +1
US +5 IPCs
UK +5 IPCs
So this make a similar increase for both UK and US.
Now, add up the special 0 IPC island in PTO now worth 1 IPC when collecting at the end of first round.
Formosa (0) +1
Iwo Jima (0) +1
Okinawa (0) +1
Wake Island (0) +1
Carolines Islands (0) +1
Solomons Island (0) +1
This would increase Japan to +6
USA will get Midway (0) +1
Sum for US +6
UK get +6
If you consider
Union of South Africa (2) becomes 3 = +1
Maybe this can increase Japan interest toward these TTs.
However, on J1, there is usually only 1 TP available for movement and it is in Japan SZ.
It left a lot of room for Allies to capitalize on this new influx of IPCs.
If all Powers only received their new IPCs values for TTs after collecting in round 1, maybe it gives enough time for Japan to challenge a newly built IC.
I’m just pushing further the agenda of making amphibious landing in PTO a more rewarding activity to see if it breaks somehow.
The 0 IPC to 1 IPC islands is just a way to compensate Japan for such Allies increase.
I know it was not part of your initial idea, but without this it appears broken.
In my mind, 1 IPC TT or just way points toward the real deal (4 IPCs).