Anniversary edition reprint announced at Origins?

  • @Krieghund:

    The updated rulebook that Shelly referred to will incorporate all of the FAQs and errata.  It will also include many of the improvements we’ve made to the clarity in the rules in the years since its publication.  Wizards allowed me to improve it as much as I could without changing the page layout, and (with a little effort) I was able to get most of those improvements in.

    Thanks for letting us know that you were involved with this project with the WotC people.  I don’t know if Larry had any direct involvement himself, given that he’s currently working on a different game with a different company, but it’s good to hear that one of his developer / playtester associates was in on it.  This is a case where it might be a very welcome development if some sort of doctrine of apostolic succession is being planned for A&A’s future, even if for no other reason that Larry will probably contemplate retirement at some point in the (hopefully distant) future.

  • @Krieghund:

    Now that the feline has escaped containment…

    The updated rulebook that Shelly referred to will incorporate all of the FAQs and errata.  It will also include many of the improvements we’ve made to the clarity in the rules in the years since its publication.  Wizards allowed me to improve it as much as I could without changing the page layout, and (with a little effort) I was able to get most of those improvements in.

    I think you’ll like the results.

    Krieg, tell me they are not going to call it “anniversary,” since the anniversary is long past.

  • I hope the game will have something new, perhaps in the optional rules. Just a reprint seems like foiling the people who sell it for $500 on ebay and not really a need. Sure a few people who cant pay $500 will be happy, but how many is that?

    If it had some new ideas heck i would buy it, otherwise i would use the pieces i already have and play on the my enlarged map.

    Yes i understand the rules have been rewritten more clearly. great

  • That is great news! I will for sure picking up a copy as I missed last time around. It will be interesting if Italy will have the Global sculpts and each country each own artillery piece.

  • I definitely don’t have $500 bucks to spend on anything much less a game so I for one am glad that there will be a reprint.
    (But I agree with Karl7, it shouldn’t be called anniversary)

  • I bought a used copy in 2012 for $225 and I found one at a garage sale in 2013 for $7. I’ll be sure to get a new copy as well.

  • Yes! This is great news, finally I will be able to get this edition!

  • @Erocco:

    That is great news! I will for sure picking up a copy as I missed last time around. It will be interesting if Italy will have the Global sculpts and each country each own artillery piece.

    On that subject will the game use what are now the old AAA rules and thus have generic sculpts since they can be captured?

  • @Young:

    Here’s my take on it…

    Thanks for the shout out and for subscribing to my YouTube channel!!!

  • Looking forward to get a copy!  Would be great to have some optional rules like the original MB version to provide more variety to the game

  • @General:


    That is great news! I will for sure picking up a copy as I missed last time around. It will be interesting if Italy will have the Global sculpts and each country each own artillery piece.

    On that subject will the game use what are now the old AAA rules and thus have generic sculpts since they can be captured?

    I would assume so, as it is announced as a reprint based on the given (as per Krieghund updated) ruleset.
    We have to wait for something official about the sculpts, of course.

  • @Karl7:

    Krieg, tell me they are not going to call it “anniversary,” since the anniversary is long past.

    There’s an Anniversary for A&A every year… they can call it 33rd Anniversary Edition for all I care…


    I hope the game will have something new, perhaps in the optional rules. Just a reprint seems like foiling the people who sell it for $500 on ebay and not really a need. Sure a few people who cant pay $500 will be happy, but how many is that?

    I’m sure a LOT more than you think… A LOT MORE.

    Sometimes people with money to blow have no clue how the rest of the world works. I’m glad you have $500 bucks to blow on a board game… I can assure you, that you sir, are in the minority, not the majority.

    There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with reprinting a popular game that is currently out of print… if that ruins someone’s special snowflake status for already owning one, I’m sorry.

  • Wolfshanze said it all.

  • @P@nther:



    That is great news! I will for sure picking up a copy as I missed last time around. It will be interesting if Italy will have the Global sculpts and each country each own artillery piece.

    On that subject will the game use what are now the old AAA rules and thus have generic sculpts since they can be captured?

    I would assume so, as it is announced as a reprint based on the given (as per Krieghund updated) ruleset.
    We have to wait for something official about the sculpts, of course.

    Another fairly significant change I just thought of is tanks cost 6 IPC now. AA50 was the last version to have tanks at 5 IPC. Would you guys prefer 5 or 6 IPC’s for AA50?

  • I Hated Tanks defending at two, because you would lose the To territory uou
    Just conquered! I would rather pay 6 for a 3/3 unit.

  • '17 '16


    Another fairly significant change I just thought of is tanks cost 6 IPC now. AA50 was the last version to have tanks at 5 IPC. Would you guys prefer 5 or 6 IPC’s for AA50?

    Personally, I’d love to see 2nd Edition rules applied to Anniversary… though I’m not sure what they’re planning/doing… a reprint with errata alone doesn’t sound like they’re changing anything, but I dunno. We need more info from AH as to what their plans are with Anniversary.

    Anniversary would be “my Global”… I can’t see myself ever stepping up to 1940-level time/rules/commitment… but I consider Anniversary to be the end-all-be-all to the 1942-style of A&A gamestyle.

  • After poo-pooing the possibility, I am looking forward to the rerelease.  I will buy it.

    I hope they do something special… commander units?  That would be awesome!

  • @Wolfshanze:


    Another fairly significant change I just thought of is tanks cost 6 IPC now. AA50 was the last version to have tanks at 5 IPC. Would you guys prefer 5 or 6 IPC’s for AA50?

    Personally, I’d love to see 2nd Edition rules applied to Anniversary… though I’m not sure what they’re planning/doing… a reprint with errata alone doesn’t sound like they’re changing anything, but I dunno. We need more info from AH as to what their plans are with Anniversary.

    Anniversary would be “my Global”… I can’t see myself ever stepping up to 1940-level time/rules/commitment… but I consider Anniversary to be the end-all-be-all to the 1942-style of A&A gamestyle.

    Come on Wolf, grow yourself a pair and step up to a real game. You’ll never go back to the kid’s table once you make the commitment to sit with the adults.

  • I bet the only things that change is what that Shelly lady said… the rulebook layout, and a few new sculpts.

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