@regularkid said in WW2 Path to Victory - Rules Discussion:
@axis-dominion yah, i’ve never really been a tech guy for A&A tbh. But I definitely think it could be a worthwhile pursuit as a mod to PTV, if someone else has good ideas for a tech tree.
I’ve never been a tech guy, either. Because it’s always been an expensive, random, gamble, and I want to win with strategy, and minimize random luck. I don’t want to try for advanced artillery, and get improved shipyards, instead. That being said, unless we are playing low luck, we face random chance, every battle, every game. We take that chance, because we like the odds versus payoff. TECH IS FUN! If done right, which is apparently difficult, as I’ve never seen it, it could be a great improvement to the game!
I’ll leave it to those more creative than I to debate WHICH tech should be in the game, but I want to weigh in on HOW tech should be developed in the game.
There are two systems, that I’ve seen, that got close enough for me to consider investing in tech. A&A 50th Anniversary Edition has expensive, random, tech tokens(die rolls), but if you miss, you keep your token(s), and roll each round, until successful. Global War 1936 has inexpensive, non-random tech, but a missed roll is a complete loss.
Combining these two, I can imagine a tech system that I would want to invest in:
Inexpensive - GW36, $2, rather than 50th, $5
Non-random - GW36, I chose the tech I want, and invest in THAT tech.
Return on investment - “If we aren’t winning, we are learning.” My proposal would be an improved chance at success, each successive round, following a failure. One die pip more likely to succeed, perhaps. The 50th system, of carrying your token over each round, until successful, would also work for me.
I also like that GW36 requires a series of successful rolls, to achieve the new tech. I don’t want to lose my Japanese navy, because, in one round, the US got super subs, jet fighters, and heavy bombers.
For those unfamiliar with Global War 1936, I’m attaching a picture of one of their tech charts. You can see they use a 12 sided die, but I don’t think that’s required. You’ll also see that some tech requires better die rolls for success. I like this, as I imagine it next to impossible to evenly balance a dozen technology breakthroughs, covering all the varying aspects of the game. Just make it more difficult to get a successful breakthrough on the more powerful tech.
I look forward to everyone’s feedback!