Why don’t you just move up to AA 50 game ? Besides your playing Triplea A now
Question about Charles De Gualle's neutral rules
If you attack a true neutral, are all the other true neutrals triggered against the attacking power like the out of box rules?
While that seems to be implied, the original discussion strongly implies that he was trying to make each neutral power seperate.
Specifically, if the British attack the Portuguese fleet in sea zone 103 from sea zone 92, would the Spanish ships in sea zone 92 block the British ships?
In any of the normal (Europe 2nd Pacific 2nd Global40 2nd edition) games the attack on any true neutral, triggers all other true neutrals to become hostile towards the attacking force, f.e. if Germany attacks Spain, to go towards Gibraltar, All other true neutrals in South America or Africa and Middle east would become pro Allied, they could be taken in non combat movement.
I never have played a game with a Portuguese fleet, so I dont know which version that is, or what rules apply towards that game.
I’m referring to the new neutral rules for Global 1940 created by @Charles-de-Gaulle :