[House Rules] A question and opinion

  • '14 Customizer



    Turn 1 Italy activates Bulgaria with 1 Infantry and Bulgaria is now Italian, can the tank move through on to Romania since Bulgaria is now Italian? I say yes

    Community opinion wanted, Do youse prefer bids or house rules? I hate the bid and won’t play it. House rules are so much more intriguing. So many historical options. Why ruin a game with a bid and dump all the bid into the Mediterranean and ruin a fun battle for the Med. Yeah I think we all know against an experienced Axis player it’s a tough mountain to climb. It baffles me that people play bids but allow the BS where Italy can opens for the Germans and Germans move in and collect their NO for that turn because they are not at war. That is the definition of oxymoron…lol

    Play a game with No bids, only 1 small change - let Russia move first!

    #1 the Game will go faster as G and J can go simultaneous

    #2 russia going first gives it a 1 turn build/move advantage.  It also

    #3 it stops the Italian can open; which is the most damaging and gimmicky balance issue of the OOB game.

    #4 historically, Russia always went first in A&A games! ;)

    Or make it like 1942… Put Germany between China and UK’s turn.  If your going to remove Italy as a can-opener you have to consider the double attack of USA/UK as well.  I think the 1942 turn order resolves this issue by just changing Germany’s turn order.

  • '19 '17 '16

    Most league games have gone to Balanced Mod with small Axis bids rather than large Allied bids, so if you don’t like the bid, you can use that.

    Balanced Mod rules:

  • I have always enjoyed the feeling of games played with bids compared to Bal Mod.  China is a bit strange in Bal Mod: an American fighter squadron strafes your Japanese soldier and a Chinese soldier pops up.  That makes it virtually impossible to consider the Axis conquering mainland Asia.

  • To Gargantua

    I dabbled with turn order before but I have a pretty fun house rules with added NO’s and national abilities that made things a ton of fun. Also each nation has special units.

    There is also added political situations that makes South America (US benefits), Turkey and Spain playable and could align either way.

  • GAR

    You mentioned Russia going first awhile ago. Have you played some games yet ? How did that work out .

  • My turn order

    UK E
    UK P

    UK P, Anzac and the Dutch are actually FEC with combined income and yes there is a token Dutch force in the DEI

    Turkey played by either UK or Italy
    Spain played by either Germany or US

    Vichy rule in effect

  • '19 '17 '16


    I have always enjoyed the feeling of games played with bids compared to Bal Mod.  China is a bit strange in Bal Mod: an American fighter squadron strafes your Japanese soldier and a Chinese soldier pops up.  That makes it virtually impossible to consider the Axis conquering mainland Asia.

    I completely agree. However, I do like having a bit of extra money for the USSR and the SBR rules.

    In BM it seems as though Allies are waiting for the Axis to make a mistake so they can win.

    From BM3.4 you can turn off the guerrilla fighter rule and several others if you want to so that specific issue doesn’t come up. IF you can find someone who wants to play that way.

  • '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    I also like the idea of turn order adjustments being the primary balancer, but unless that is adopted for Global V3 by Wizards/Hasbro it’s still house rules.


  • '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    I should add that I WOULD play a version that rearranges the turn order in the interest of seeing the effects on balance, as long as it otherwise stuck with out of the box rules and NOs.


  • @Leatherneckinlv:

    My turn order

    UK E
    UK P

    UK P, Anzac and the Dutch are actually FEC with combined income and yes there is a token Dutch force in the DEI

    Turkey played by either UK or Italy
    Spain played by either Germany or US

    Vichy rule in effect

    France before Germany make the Allies even more stronger as France can defend against both countries and the only good Axis plan that I can see is make Italy launch a suicide invasion against France to bring their units down and hope the French don’t buy straight up infantry and hope Germany is able to beat them.

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