I like these riddles and I thought I would share the with y’all.
What can go up a chimney down, but can’t go down a chimney up?
What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs at noon, and 3 legs at night?
What do you get when you cross a doorbell and a bumblebee?
I will give the answers in 1 week. Have fun!
Nice idea Topmat.
I am really awful at riddles, but will check the answers next week. -
2…a gigalo
3…a buzzerI have no idea, but thats my best guess
The one about the legs is the famous riddle of the sphinx in Greek mythology. The sphinx would ask the riddle to passers-by and would kill the ones who failed to get the right answer; Oedipus got the right answer, and the humilated sphinx killed herself. (The sphinx would have made quite a challenging A&A opponent, with that kind of attitude.) At any rate, the answer is “man” and morning / noon / night refer to youth, adulthood an old age.
PLEASE do not use anything that is dirty. The answers WILL NOT be dirty. Thanks.
What do you get when you cross a doorbell and a bumblebee?
Reminds me of another one I once heard: What do you get when you cross a werewolf and a vampire? Either a fur stole that fastens itself around your neck or a dog that chases airplanes.
A strange earthen house,
That brings nought but disdain.
And yet those who stay there,
Never do complain. -
I know what the answers are, but I cheated via Google.
So I will refrain from answering so those who wish to try in ernest may do so.
Thanks Karl. I know anyone could Google it and find the answers, but I still like to do this on the forum. :-)
Bah mungus :x
It’s 7:45 in the morning where I am. I’ve been at work for 15 minutes. The laughter the gigalo answer elicited is the only thing keeping me awake right now.
How about we do a separate thread where we can ONLY give dirty answers?
Why? You don’t have to be dirty to be funny.
It has finally been a week.
1. An umbrella
2. A person
3. A humdinger or buzzer (I didn’t realize that there was two answers to this one, sorry.) -
It has finally been a week.
1. An umbrella
2. A person
3. A humdinger or buzzer (I didn’t realize that there was two answers to this one, sorry.)Only Mary Poppins would know the answer to no.1
Here’s more riddles this week. Have fun!
1. The man who makes it, sells it; the man who buys it, doesn’t use it; the man who uses it doesn’t know it, what am I?
2. Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
3. Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
Heres the answer to this weeks riddles.
1. A casket
2. Because chickens hadn’t evolved yet
3. He didn’t have the guts -
2. Because chickens hadn’t evolved yet
The answer to riddle 2 is complicated by the fact that modern birds are considered to be a surviving group of theropod dinosaurs; chickens are birds, so technically a dinosaur crosses the road every time a chicken crosses the road.
2. Because chickens hadn’t evolved yet
The answer to riddle 2 is complicated by the fact that modern birds are considered to be a surviving group of theropod dinosaurs; chickens are birds, so technically a dinosaur crosses the road every time a chicken crosses the road.