What scale can it do 1:10,1:5,1:1?
Imagine that life sized AAA
Ha ahahahah!
Piss yourselves?
You NERDS! Think I wouldn’t be back?
While you were all playing “The Big Game” in mommy’s basement, I’ve been working the streets! Harvesting followers like so much summer wheat! I am stronger than ever, and all are giving way to me like the receding tide!
Therefore I am bringing the message to many of you have been waiting for, that I am officially declaring myself a write-in candidate for US President for 2024!
What do I offer? What are my polices? Why should you vote for me over those scrubs Donold Dumpf and Camel Heartless?
I will show you!!!
My domestic policy:
My foreign policy:
My regime will be staffed by the finest minsters!
Minister of War:
Minister of Internal Moral Improvements:
Minister of Entertainment and Control of the Masses:
And many more!
My message is simple, the weak should the fear the strong!
I promise to make American a Wasteland Against! Where the strong prosper and the weak go under foot!
My vision of progress:
But I promise safe passage through the Wasteland!
Vote! Write in Curt Mungus on your ballot and Make America a Wasteland Again!
Rage and Honor!
Oh shit.
Mungus is back…
There goes the neighbourhood.
You mean Fungus !
Great, but I’m not old enough to vote yet…