in case i didn’t say it before, thank you for playing a game with me.
Find League Opponents Thread
@majikforce I’ll play you.
@majikforce im up for a BM game
@majikforce I’ll be happy to play you BM3 (no bid), a pair of games, switching sides after the first one. You can choose sides for the first game. Cheers! OwenToo
Looking to play some games here on the league but am new to this forum, although have played a number of games PBEM.
how do I go about finding opponents and getting a foot on the ladder?
Thanks in advance -
I’m up for some new BM3 games too!
Since you, @majikforce received 3 replies already, I don’t know if you’re ready for another.
@wizmark Sure, I can introduce you to our fantastic league! Will PM you -
been gone for a while. looking for a couple of games.
@dawgoneit Am very happy to play a game against you
@dawgoneit im up for a game bm
@dawgoneit I hope that you will continue our started league game. I have a scramble request in game 32253 Ger9.
@wizmark sounds good. what game would you like to play?
BM3 or regular -
@Giallo sounds good. how would you like to choose sides?
Would any of you be interested in a Balanced Mod 3 game tournament at GENCON?
Hello! Who’s up for a Balanced Mod game? I’m Tier 1 right now, and Grummush willing I’ll stay that way.
@dawgoneit BM3 is fine…Shall I start the bid at 20 for the Allies?
Well, I didn’t die… =)
Without going into grave detail, let’s just say that I’ve now used up at least two of my nine lives. But I’m starting to feel like myself again, and it looks like League is still going strong after all this time. That’s a cool thing – you guys are great!
So, I will throw my hat into the ring for a few games to get started. It’s been a while, so be easy on me lol.
I am completely new to the Balanced Mod thing (I couldn’t find the thread stickied but I may just not have been looking in the right place – found it in a google search), but I’d like to give it a try. Do we still bid for Allies or is it pretty balanced in that regard? I’ll look for more info in the meantime.
If you are interested in a game PM me and/or respond here and let’s have some fun!
If you would rather play a regular game (no BM) that would be cool as well.
(sorry couldn’t find a way to edit)
Welcome back DizzKnee, i am happy to see arround here again.
Good to hear that you are doing better now. -
@Shin-Ji or others
Im looking for a game, preferably as axis in BM3. Been away from the game for a while but getting back into it. Prefer a faster paced game.
I’m looking for a couple more games. Tier 1 or better please. Ideally:
- No IJ/Ok
- No guerilla fighters
- Bid for allies.
Any takers?
@simon33 Happy to play a game although I guess I am Tier bottom! Pm me if you are interested