@dawgoneit may the Heavy Bombers be with you … … not! :-) Good luck and have fun!
Post League Game Results Here
@farmboy said in Post League Game Results Here:
A note for others that we were playing with Battleships at 16 and cruisers at 10.
Was this a Black Friday deal?
yeah i didn’t expect that they’d be spammed at that cheaper price, but am surprised a little at least that axis didn’t buy some at least, particularly japan. in any case, i think PTV has the right idea of lowering their costs to at least make these units more viable. what that perfect price point would be remains to be seen, but i’ve been experimenting at these prices with my cousins in non-league games as well and so far it’s been working well.
Yeah look at @axis-dominion adding house rules that benefit his side
💥 -
10 and 16 is probably perfect
Free the bships -
@FlyingBadger bravo
@farmboy Very interesting. Based on PTV math (BB = 18, CA = 11) BBs are already the most efficient type of ship on average, purely for naval battles on an equal IPC basis. This doesn’t factor in things that are directly part of the battle calc math (range of planes, bombard & marine carrying capability etc.). CAs, despite the price reduction, are still by far the worst.
@mikawagunichi that are NOT directly
L24 OOB Booper(X) v Koala(L+45)
@Booper won relentlessly as the axis
We’re in the second half of December, so you can “sign up” any time, tell me what version of the game you want to participate in the
or ARENA OF DEATHWhatever you like to call it. By now you know what I’m talking about, I’m talkin’ 'bout naming new (or repeating!) Champions!
You can see the sign up sheet on the ELO rankings spreadsheet.
Again, this year for the first time it is your LIFETIME ELO ranking that determines your seeding.
You MUST meet the following minimum games played requirements. The games must have been COMPLETED in calendar 2024, so a game you played all during 2023 but was ended and winner/loser declared in January 2024 counts.
Balanced mod minimum is SIX (6) games completed 2024
PTV and OOB are 3 games.
Again, seeded by lifetime ELO.Everyone has until 12/31 to sign up. Once brackets are completed, games can be started right away in January. Most of you know the drill, so if I left any gaps and you have questions, check league rules or ask me.
PM to me is preferred way to sign up to avoid gumming up the threads.
Again, you can see who has signed up so far in the new tab in the ELO rankings spreadsheet. -
I always find a spot for everyone. I create additional brackets if needed. If you’re not top 8 ELO of those signed up, you will NOT be able to be crowned champion of that game version, BUT you can still be in an exciting single elimination playoff bracket. Winners of (at least) 2nd brackets are still enshrined in permanent league history records.
Mikawagunichi wins PTV game: MikawaGunichi (X+12) vs ArtofWar Game #3
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/41319/mikawagunichi-x-12-vs-artofwar-game-3/123 -
claiming this win due to unexplained absence
@surfer wins in pacifiersboard (X) -vs- surfer (L +21) BM - gg!
L24 PTV Max334 X vs Dawgoneit Allies
Max334 X Wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/41360/l24-ptv-max334-x-vs-dawgoneit-allies/54?_=1735391670459 -
dawgoneit +10 Axis -vs- Daaras Allies PTV
Daaras Allies wins.
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/41337/dawgoneit-10-axis-vs-daaras-allies-ptv/71?_=1735391670461 -
L24 OOB FlyingBadger (Axis) vs Gamerman01 (Allies+44) #2
@gamerman01 wins over @FlyingBadger
Adam514 over MikawaGunichi
L24 bm4 PLAYOFF axis-dom vs FlyingBadger (allies+16)
@axis-dominion over @FlyingBadger
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/41453/l24-bm4-playoff-axis-dom-vs-flyingbadger-allies-16 -
That’ll give @axis-dominion PLENTY of time to stew about Me1945/Ghostglider and who he might face if he somehow gets past that.