@simon33 Assumed keeping fighter from SZ111 battle, change to whatever you would choose.
Post League Game Results Here
@gamerman01 I prefer just Europe or Pacific. Way shorter to play and less to have to manage. But no one seems to want to just play them.
Could be because they assume they won’t count in league record. One of the reasons I posted about it twice 🙂
G2 blunder sealing my defeat by @Adam514 in pacifiersboard (X) -vs- Adam514 (L +19) BM ! gg 😎
Caesar1 Allies + 21 -VS- dawgoneit Axis. OOB
Caesar1 Allies + 21 wins -
Unfortunately I have to ask for the game … Mainah gone
Did Stucifer end up conceding all of his outstanding games? If so I guess I defeated him in PTV
L24 PTV MikawaGunichi (X+12) vs Daaras
Daaras wins
@Daaras Link please, then I’ll record it
AD over Karl7 axis. I tried an experiment, the dice said “no” to that.
Myygames over crockett36.
Axis Dominion over ArtofWar
PTV ArtofWar (Ax+12) v AxisDominion (Al), who quickly learned the nuances of PTV
Does anyone have a detailed analysis of bids in PTV games? I have many questions and the desire to do lots of studying on this topic. The results in my games seem to tell a story that differs immensely from popular opinion. I’d like to figure out how awful I am as axis, and/or how much of it is the consensus bid being way off.
mikawagunichi wins. I knew i shouldnt have agreed to play axis lol
Data sheet is now filtered by PTV
I don’t know what analyses you want to make,
But you can count Axis v Allies wins without too much trouble
MrRoboto is AWOL and he knows how to manipulate all the data in every which way.
At a glance, it looks like Allies never get a bid, and Axis bids are just 0 to 12, so very small.In the results tab you can enter a player name and see all their results, so you can easily pick a great player like Adam, a fair to middlin’ player, or a weak player and see
- which side they take
- what bids they do
- their record with each side
- who they beat, and what their ratings were
So without too much trouble you can do some filters and sorts or some manual review and counting and probably get a lot of the good information you’re wanting
You probably can’t filter the data sheet (I did that for you, for now), but I think you guys can enter a name in the results tab
And now I see the statistics tab and that will probably help answer your curiosity as well.
@gamerman01 I’m doing some statistical analysis as we speak, will post some results once I’m done.
Can be found here -
@gamerman01 I was unaware this data existed. My productivity at work is going to tank today. At first glance it looks like allies with like 70% of the time with bids close to 10. Which does lead me to believe the consensus bids are too small.
Re-post in case some don’t know about the ELO spreadsheet
The link has been provided in the League Standings stickied thread since 1/1/24
Analysis of PTV game results data moved here: