@fasthard Yes. Needs to block Gibraltar.
Post League Game Results Here
@gamerman01 said in Post League Game Results Here:
Running out of time to sign up for playoffs - we don’t have nice even numbers yet anyway. I know this is a little longer open window of time than we usually have, but this is the first year of 3 different versions being tracked.
Unsure what I qualify for but sign me up for whatever….thanks Gamerman -
L22 PtV FlyingBadger(Axis+7) vs Nikola1975 (Allies)
@nikola1975 over FlyingBadger
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37834/l22-ptv-flyingbadger-axis-7-vs-nikola1975-allies -
L22 Simon33 (X) over Sovietishcat (L+15)
Odonis (X) over Bolasgod (L+20) BML
Odonis wins with an early Sea Lion!
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37914/odonis-x-v-bolasgod-l-20-bml/26?page=2 -
I am really excited to announce the playoffs may begin this weekend - starting NOW! Check out the new spreadsheet - at the far left of the rankings spreadsheet, for your opponent(s).
As usual, the matchups look VERY intriguing almost without exception, and I think you guys are going to have a lot of fun and enjoyment. Be nice and polite in your games but don’t give in when you’re right, and we should have minimal conflicts. Other than the massive WWII conflict being re-enacted over and over again, of course.
If you have any questions or have a problem with where you show up in the bracket, I will be happy to let you drop out, or tell you how I’m right or how you’re wrong. LOL
Seriously, these brackets look great.
BM3 champion will be the “main” league champion because it is the most played. All other champions (and runner up league champion) will be listed in the archives forever.Game on, and may the dice not decide your games. (Of course they will decide some :p)
I will start recording 2022 results in new spreadsheets one of these days - so far I have been busy keeping up with the signups and tournament designs. Thank you for understanding and waiting.
Thank you Gamerman!
@gamerman01 Thank you so much for organizing!! Did you find a new league manager for 2022?
ArtOfWar1947 (Allies) won over Nikola1975, slowly but confidently. Just when the Moscow is about the fall - Berlin falls before that
FlyingBadger Allies +20 -VS- dawgoneit Axis. BM3
FlyingBadger Allies +20 Wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37802/flyingbadger-allies-20-vs-dawgoneit-axis-bm3/140?_=1642420225281 -
L22 BM Me1945 (Axis) vs. Odonis +21
ME1945 wins. Too much talent for me! -
BM FlyingBadger (Axis) vs Giallo (Allies+21)
@Giallo over FlyingBadger
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37805/bm-flyingbadger-axis-vs-giallo-allies-21-1/319?page=27 -
Rankings updated for first time in 2022
@gamerman01 thank you for your work sir.
TinCanoftheSea Allies -VS- dawgoneit Axis OOB - TinCanoftheSea Allies+21 wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37796/tincanofthesea-allies-vs-dawgoneit-axis-oob-21/95?_=1643388276811 -
Odonis (X) wins vs. Bolasgod (L+20) BML22 - Game 2
Odonis blew me out in Europe game 1 and then blew me out in the Pacific game 2… GG’s!
AndrewAAGamer over Karl7 Allies
L22 BM Martin +16 vs Majikforce
Majikforce wins with an unstoppable Germany against Allies who didn’t have a plan. Keeping Japan small didn’t suffice.
cwglee51 Allies +25 -VS- dawgoneit Axis
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37989/cwglee51-allies-25-vs-dawgoneit-axis/27Winner = dawgoneit