No to both
Post League Game Results Here
And as allies.
@AndrewAAGamer said in Post League Game Results Here:
I fully intend to continue playing in League games.
That’s what I wanted to hear :-)
I only crashed the party because I read this:
" Not playing this game anymore is my way to move on from a very negative experience for me"It sounded to me you were gonna quit the league because of that, that’s why I tried to persuade you not to :)
(But you guess you only referred to this singular game and I just misinterpreted the post)Thanks!
@JDOW said in Post League Game Results Here:
I read through your game thread and it was a heated discussion. According to what I read it felt for you that trulpen did some weasel-ish move by not giving you notice of an obvious blunder you made while you think he should have as I think you gave him notice on a blunder on his side before.
Just a small correction. There wasn’t actually any notice of a blunder, but I rather messed up a new rule (which I of course should’ve been aware of) regarding needing both a factory and a naval base in the same territory in order to build capital ships. Became cold-showerly aware of this during mobilization of units. This was more or less two turns of wasted resources spent for Germany and led to the annihilation of the heavily invested italian fleet (several carriers) in the early game (an expected TUV-swing of more than a 100).
My opponent was very understandable of how the blunder could happen, since he was planning along the same route. I asked for an edit of either purchase or italian des-positioning, but was denied in regards to the beforehand presented edit-policy. I accepted that.
However, he was very generous offering a cancellation of the game. While I definitely appreciated it, I still declined the offer because I prefer to see things through. The situation was my bad and I simply had to suck it up.
This situation was referred to later in the game when 3 aussie-figs in mainland China were forgotten to be landed on a several factor larger US navy. It was a huge battle and objectively a bad one for Japan, but they were in the sad position of having to go for it anyway. It was quickly executed and I didn’t even notice those figs before I commenced battle.
Got extremely lucky dice, which made an expected 40-50 TUV-swing (still very pyrrhic) into about 180, giving some respite of hope for the Yellow Plaque.
The 3 figs would’ve clearly made a difference with 3 battle-rounds, changing it to 150 under the postulate that the already rolled dice would be the same (which they of course wouldn’t have if the figs had been present from the start, but rolled dice stand) and the extra figs would hit on a mean.
That’s the story, morning glory.
I do not want to judge this situation at all, nor do I want to dive in deeper, all I would like to say is that I played trulpen twice this year, and he was a good and fair opponent. He is ambitious and eager to win, but never crossed any lines and so I think he did not in other games.
Thank you for your kind words! I should’ve won both my games with you, but when there’s a significant quality difference there’s not much to do. :)
Tanios (Axis) over DannyDuck716 (Allies)
adam over 666 (allies) PtV no bid…
my first lesson
L20 BM3 Dawg (allies+18) vs Majikforce (axis), Majikforce (axis) Wins. -
trulpen axis over aagamerz13 allies bm3
rushing leads to sloppy play
Ghostglider (allies +20) over ksmckay -
JDOW Axis over Amon Allies (bid 16 BM3)
SovieitishCat (allies +14) over Bretters (axis) BM3
BM3, bid A+16
@ksmckay and here it is 😊
crockett36 Allies + 13 -VS- dawgoneit Axis BM3 - crockett36 Allies + 13 wins -
dawgoneit (x) vs tanios (allies + 17)- tanios (allies + 17) wins -
regularkid (Axis) over Simon33 (Allies) P2V
J2 take down of Hawaii proved too hard to recover from.
aaGamerz13 (Axis) vs Simon33 (Allies) P2V
@simon33 L20 Snigg(x) vs Dawgoneit (Allies +19) BM3 - Snigg(x) wins -
Ghostglider over Giallo(allies+12) bm