• Hello everyone! I’m JMan! Kinda new to A&A but I’m hooked already!
    Apologies in advance… I’m VERY unfamiliar with how these forums work (take a look at my profile and you’ll see I literally joined a few minutes ago), but after listening @Young Grasshopper speak about the forums, I felt it was the fastest way to get multiple questions answered. I’m 100% positive that all of these have been answered before, but I’m hopeless in attempting to navigate finding the answers to them through the hundreds of threads here. Without further rambling, here we go! Thanks in advance!

    1. Transports- When moving units with transports, i have 4 questions
        - Can you load into the same Seazone from 2 different territories onto the same boat? (I’ve been playing as if this were true)
        - Can you load a unit onto a transport, then move the transport to pick up another unit, then move it a second/third time to drop      units? (I’ve been playing as if this was false due to “all movements are simultaneous”)
        - Can a transport drop from the same Seazone into two different territories on the same turn? (Again, I’d assume you cannot)

    2. As you know, there are heavy restrictions on The United States in terms of movement while not at war. Do restrictions in the European theatre get lifted once The US is at war with Japan? (Specifically, can The US jump on Brazil while not being at war with Italy & Germany, but being at war with Japan?)

    3. Can an enemy power drop a newly built warship into a Seazone containing exclusively enemy warships? And if so, does the enemy power have the option to retreat during their next turn? Would this be a strategy to allow Japan to initiate a battle to then take advantage of Kamikaze tokens? As the resulting battle would take place during an enemy power’s combat, thus Japan would be “defending” and eligible to use Kamikazes?

    4. Can enemy bombers & escorts fly over Seazones containing exclusively enemy warships while conducting strategic bombing raids?

    5. Can China place newly purchased units on newly captured territory? And can this territory be “Chinese Territory”, yet, “originally controlled by Japan” (starting the game under Japanese control, yet having the Chinese symbol) (Example: Kiangsi)

  • Morning. Glad you are enjoying A&A.
    1a. Yes.
    b. You can, if you do that movement in either Combat Move or Non Combat. You cannot move in both and as long as you do not move more than two SZs or through a hostile one. A Transpoet’s  movement ends when it unloads, not when it loads.
    c. No. can only ever unload into  one territory. If the two units loaded in Combat, they must also both unload. You cannot keep one back on the ship.

    2. If  Japan declared war on the US unprovoked,  the US can declare war on Germany and Italy on its turn. It can then claim  Brazil. 3

    3. Yes and yes.
    No, re Kamikaze, as these tokens are activated when a warship enters the SZ in Combat. Does not count, if already There.

    4. Yes. Ships do kot get to shoot at Air flying over them.

    5. Yes. All of China is Chinese.

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    Of course ShadowHawk is correct.

    Welcome to the forum JMan.

  • Welcome, JMan!


    As you know, there are heavy restrictions on The United States in terms of movement while not at war. Do restrictions in the European theatre get lifted once The US is at war with Japan? (Specifically, can The US jump on Brazil while not being at war with Italy & Germany, but being at war with Japan?)

    No.  The United States must be at war with Germany and/or Italy to have the restrictions on the Europe map lifted, just as it must be at war with Japan to have the restrictions on the Pacific map lifted.


    And can this territory be “Chinese Territory”, yet, “originally controlled by Japan” (starting the game under Japanese control, yet having the Chinese symbol) (Example: Kiangsi)

    Original control of a territory is indicated by the emblem printed on it, not by which power controls it at the beginning of the game (see page 8 of either Rulebook).  As a result, Kiangsi is an original Chinese territory.

  • Welcome to the forums Jman.

  • Jamb: I did get that Kamikaze rule wrong. Apologies. I hope I was corrected, before you were misled. (Perhaps, you understood the rule, anyway.)
    Again, enjoy your games and welcome to the forum.

  • You guys are the best! <3 Thanks for the warm welcomes, fast replies, and patience!

  • Welcome to the community!  G40 is a such a fun boardgame with a level of simplicity that allows you to enjoy it but with enough sophistication to keep you hooked for years. I highly recommend playing a couple of games in TripleA against the AI.  The computer is not very smart, but you will be able to figure out more about the board and legal moves.  The learning curve is steam for your first 20-40 games before you really move from a novice to an experienced player.  I am still learning so much and get easily crushed by the top league players.

  • Welcome to the forum Jman.

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