• Is China moving into BURMA a DOW by the U.K. on Japan?

    Say you have a MEC and ARM in Italy,  and you blitz into an emtpy Yugoslavia,  can you then SEPERATE the two, and blitz an empty Albania and Romania?

  • no and no

  • I believe these have been answered way back in the AAP40 discussions, but I can’t remember the answers…

    official answer anyone?

  • @Stoney229:

    I believe these have been answered way back in the AAP40 discussions, but I can’t remember the answers…

    official answer anyone?

    No (China is already at war with Japan)


    No (Mech can blitz WITH Armor … you can’t split them to continue the blitz)

  • @Stoney229:

    official answer anyone?

    No to both.

  • Wait, is that even legal for china to move people into either hong kong or burma before the uk is at war with japan?

  • Well apparently Chinese units can hide in Burma, whilst UK is not at war with Japan.  That’s VERY interesting.

  • Chinese would never get the chance to move out of China with me player Axis, unless very unlucky roll screw me. Why would Japan not attack Yunnan?

    I see just Tigers (the figther) could hide in Burma (or Hong kong if very courageous…), but this brings a question. I though Chinese would not be allowed to move into UK territory while UK not a war with Japan. Since UK and China are not at war against same ennemy (Japan), thus it doesn’t make them allies… and therefore not allow Chinese units to move in UK territory, just like UK (and Russia for that matter) are not allowed to move into China while not at war against Japan.

    So, I don’t see why there’s a question at first place.

    Official question (in clear) : Is chinese units are allowed to move into UK terrritory while UK not at war with Japan.

  • Kevin will have to give you an official answer.

    I thought you could not move into a neutral country until they are in the war. For example I am pretty sure you can’t move British units from Canada into the US while they are neutral. It should play the same way with China…In one game I wanted to land my Fighter in Burma, but I remembered India was neutral and so I didn’t. I believe the boards were “split” to clarify war status for powers on both boards because of some of the possible contradictions.

    Personally, I do not believe you can move into Burma until India is at war. If it were “legal” it would be at best a “cheap” move and one to be avoided… as that would detract from the feel of the game and appear to be an exploit. Japan or any power should be able to attack units with which it is at war. To do otherwise cheapens the sportsmanship or contest of wills that axis reflects, in my opinion.

  • Have I been playing this wrong? I thought China was restricted to Chinese TT. I did not know they could move into Burma even if Uk was at war with Japan.

  • @JamesAleman:

    Kevin will have to give you an official answer.

    I thought you could not move into a neutral country until they are in the war. For example I am pretty sure you can’t move British units from Canada into the US while they are neutral. It should play the same way with China…In one game I wanted to land my Fighter in Burma, but I remembered India was neutral and so I didn’t. I believe the boards were “split” to clarify war status for powers on both boards because of some of the possible contradictions.

    Personally, I do not believe you can move into Burma until India is at war. If it were “legal” it would be at best a “cheap” move and one to be avoided… as that would detract from the feel of the game and appear to be an exploit. Japan or any power should be able to attack units with which it is at war. To do otherwise cheapens the sportsmanship or contest of wills that axis reflects, in my opinion.

    Totally agree with you. Actually, before seeing his post, my question never occured to me.

  • @Todd7912:

    Have I been playing this wrong? I thought China was restricted to Chinese TT. I did not know they could move into Burma even if Uk was at war with Japan.

    Chinese are allowed to move into all territory that has chinese sign on it. In hard copy (the actuel game box), starting Japan’s inland territories are in yellow, but have that chineses symbol and so Burma and Kwantung. If you want to refer to rules, it’s written at page 9 middle page of pacific box:

    Burma and Kwantung are special case. While they are not Chinese territories and cannot be controlled by China, Chinese forces can attack Axis units there and occupy them, but the IPCs generated go to UK. These are the only non-Chineses territories that Chinese units can occupy.

  • Thanks. I’m sure I knew that at one point but somewhere along the way I forgot it and never even thought to look it up.

  • @BigBadBruce:

    Official question (in clear) : Is chinese units are allowed to move into UK terrritory while UK not at war with Japan.

    Into Burma or Kwangtung, yes.  UK is not neutral - it is at war with Germany and Italy, so the restrictions of neutral powers do not apply to it.  The same is true of ANZAC.  They are not allowed to move units into China while not at war with Japan because there is a special political rule prohibiting it (Japan considers it an act of war).  There is no such rule prohibiting the reverse.

    UK can’t move units into US territory because the US is neutral.  As far as neutrality applying to a single map only, that special rule applies only to the Soviet Union.

  • Thank you for the answer.

    So bottom line, Tigers (Chinese figther) can hide in UK to protect himself from being attack by Japan. Good to know!

  • Well… UK… just to make sure I don’t confuse anyone catching late this thread… I mean in Burma or Kwantung

  • Protect is a tricky word. I guess Japan is forced to declare war on India if it wants to attack Chinese units in their territories. Unless Japan refuses to attack Yunnan turn 1, the only unit likely to seek “safety” in Burma is likely the Chinese fighter as it would take a few turns to march into Burma from Szechwan which means war is more likely to already exist at that point.

    Thanks for helping us understand Mr. Chapman.

  • You could also hide the fighter in Kwangtung C1,  sure it’s under threat, but it’s destruction would require a J2 DoW.

    What a bunch of JUNK.  One of my new plans was to NOT attack china in several places, and focus on a troop build up for india,  but now those pesky Chinese just STACK in Burma :S  Yunann MUST be obliterated J1.

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