Lol, you guys are some nerds :-)
I don’t care at all, which tank it is and wouldn’t recognize it in any way. And it doesn’t really influences how good a movie is, if you ask me.
Use of a real tank might not influence anything in-and-of-itself, but I certainly think that going through the effort to use a real one as opposed to a fabrication speaks of a level of quality and dedication to the story that may be absent in a similar film.
And yes, it does look like something of a flag waving American hero movie, but what else do you expect from Hollywood? The masses are perceived to not care about war stories that do not involve Americans. That may very well be true, but it is unfortunate.
I saw the preview when I went to see Planet of the Apes on Saturday (which was surprisingly very good). I had known about Fury for some time and was under the impression that it would be just another war film along the lines of Red Tails or Pearl Harbor or some garbage like that… all action and no substance. However, the trailer really intrigued me. Looked much grittier and more serious than I anticipated. Not quite a Saving Private Ryan, but I was encouraged. There does seem to be some dramatization, what with a tank duel and all, but I’d watch it.
Another preview I saw over the weekend was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk1M_HwmFMM
Unbroken. The story of Louis Zamperini; a former Olympic track athlete whose plane was shot down over the Pacific and survived the ocean and POW camps. This seems to be a very very close adaptation of his true story. I am interested in it. Sadly, Zamperini just recently died. There is a fuller account you can read on him here.