• Sponsor

    I propose a new badge for A&A.org members who go over and above the usual love of the game. I’m not talking about those who rack up thousands of posts playing online everyday, I’m talking about a small handfull of hardcore members who paint pieces, build tables, host games, design charts, and create aids to make the A&A experience better for others.

    I think this badge should be called “DEVOTEE”, and I nominate Der Kuenstler as the first recipient.

    Here’s why….


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '12 '11

    Agreed  :-)

    Thumb Up

    J. 8-)

  • I am fairly new here, but I think it is a nice idea.
    I can think of a few others who deserve the title.

  • Sponsor


    I am fairly new here, but I think it is a nice idea.
    I can think of a few others who deserve the title.

    IMO Imperious Leader should be a recipient, as well as in charge of distributing such badges to other members. If djensen does grant such a recognition, are there any suggestions for color or silhouette?

    How about a black badge with a white cube silhouette representing a die with the label “DEVOTEE” in white text next to it?

  • Customizer


    ––I, too, think this is a worthy idea.
    ----And I think IL would be an excellent choice in administering this project if he would do so.
    ––And I can also think of a few people that are deserving of recognition for their efforts/talents at inspiring others at this forum and/or this wonderful game called Axis & Allies.
    ----I’m uncertain if “DEVOTEE” would be the best name to use to honor someones’ service but that’s just a detail.

    ----IMHO the people that spend volumes of their time in making maps, charts and gaming aids, and then share them freely with others not only deserve recognition, but have certainly earned it.
    ––I would also say the same for a few people whose awesome talent in painting or detailing A&A units inspires all of the rest of us follow in their footsteps.
    ––I think it is just as important that we honor the people who’s “service behind the scenes” keeps this forum working as great as it does. I’m of course speaking of long-serving moderators. Also, we might include the “Official” rules guys that keep us all straight.

    “Tall Paul”

  • OK fine. It will be done.

  • Sponsor


    OK fine. It will be done.

    That’s fantastic IL… So good to see hardcore A&A customizers get some recognition for all their efforts.

    I also agree that rule deputy’s deserve a badge, but the decision should be 100% yours because thats the only way this will work. However, I look forward to nominating a few members.

    Also… the label “DEVOTEE” is only a suggestion, but I like it.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10



    ––I, too, think this is a worthy idea.
    ----And I think IL would be an excellent choice in administering this project if he would do so.
    ––And I can also think of a few people that are deserving of recognition for their efforts/talents at inspiring others at this forum and/or this wonderful game called Axis & Allies.
    ----I’m uncertain if “DEVOTEE” would be the best name to use to honor someones’ service but that’s just a detail.

    ----IMHO the people that spend volumes of their time in making maps, charts and gaming aids, and then share them freely with others not only deserve recognition, but have certainly earned it.
    ––I would also say the same for a few people whose awesome talent in painting or detailing A&A units inspires all of the rest of us follow in their footsteps.
    ––I think it is just as important that we honor the people who’s “service behind the scenes” keeps this forum working as great as it does. I’m of course speaking of long-serving moderators. Also, we might include the “Official” rules guys that keep us all straight.

    “Tall Paul”     Â

    Does my “sense of humor” that I frequently share with you guys count? :P

  • I am not sure of the name “Devotee” ( it sounds like a fan of Devo)

    Let’s work on what type of people would receive this title: Somebody who creates and shares creative upgrades of Axis and Allies games.

    Here are some other words to describe this:

    Addict, adherent, admirer, aficionado, amateur, believer, booster, buff, disciple, enthusiast, fanatic, fancier, fiend, follower, groupie, habitu�, junkie, lover, rooter, supporter, votarient, votary

    Bold= words i like better

    Off the top of my head i think about 15 of you will get this title:

    Tall Paul
    B. Anderson, Game Master
    Most Holy
    Who else?

  • Sponsor

    My first intention behind this idea was to honor those who further expand the A&A game with their creative skills and tools (which may or may not translate to a long stay on this site). I myself have spent hundreds of hours building my customized table, designing my maps, creating charts, and even re-writing the rule book, but I also know that I am no where near the level of some members here who inspire me. If I were to want a badge that distinguishes me as a true creator of game materials, I would surly want to deserve it…. and I’m not there yet.

    I nominated Der Kuenstler, not only for the brilliant work he put into his game room, but the way he presented it in his thread… it was like a presentation of all his work, and he deserved praise. I wouldn’t feel deserving of such an honor unless I were to present my body of work in the same manor, and IMO, that body of work would have to have relevance to players on this site, or around the game table. I never considered guys who give their time like our rule deputies until Tall Paul mentioned them, because I was only thinking about the customizers who dazzle more that the volunteers who do the boring work of answering our questions.

    Imperious Leader has been around here long enough to fairly determine who is worthy, and lets all be mature if we just don’t measure up… because handing out this honor like candy would be disrespecting those that work hardest. Above all, this recognition should revolve around the game, and not the site, Der Kuenster only has a couple hundred posts, but if we were doing the work he was (designing, building, hosting, creating) we wouldn’t be on this site much either… so my request is to make this about passion and not popularity. Beyond that… I trust that IL will find the right criteria, but I do support the idea of presenting the whole work for review if you really want a badge.

    As for the name… I agree with “ENTHUSIAST”

    Thanks IL… thats my 2 cents.

  • Customizer


    ––Since you think another word or term would be better I might suggest “Honoree”, or “A&A.Org Honoree”.
    ––If not “Honoree”,…then possibly something along the lines of “Hall of Fame”, possibly.

    ----I nominate Chad Coffman, a.k.a. “Allworkandnoclay” for your consideration as his awesome paint jobs not only have inspired almost all of the painters that have seen his work,….but IMHO his painting talent is unsurpassed.

    ----I nominate you, “Imperious Leader”, for all of your amazing “map work”, not to mention your in-depth gaming knowledge and advice. Also your moderating work.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Sponsor


    ––I nominate you, “Imperious Leader”, for all of your amazing “map work”, not to mention your in-depth gaming knowledge and advice. Also your moderating work.

    “Tall Paul”

    Agreed, more for your map work and assistance to all those who ask for it.

  • Customizer


    ––Do you know of any other Painter earlier than “Allworkandnoclay”? He’s the first one I really noticed, and wow, he really knocked my socks off.

    ––And if Modification/Detailing is to be included, Wil Tan, a.k.a. “SgtWilTan” IMHO stands head and shoulders above the rest. I guess this can suffice for his formal nomination.

    I’m sure things will be well taken care of with IL in charge.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Sponsor

    Tall Paul,

    I would say that painters and modifiers would totally be eligible. However, custom tables are more my thing… so I tend to pay attention to who’s building tables rather than the painters. I do know that you are quite the painter because I remember admiring your units (what?).

    I’m more than confident that your enthusiasm for the painting arts will bring forth some very worthy nominations from you. If this gets rolling, I can’t wait to visit a locked thread with the works of the honored… kind of like that hall of fame you were mentioning.

  • Customizer


    ––Yep,…but I think it’s equally IMPORTANT to “honor” all of the guys who toil endlessly behind the scenes,…like “Long-serving Moderators” and “Official Rule Masters”. Basically anyone going “Over and Above the call of Duty” in promoting this fantastic game of Axis & Allies.

    ––Maybe we could connect the name of this “badge” to the real life “Medal of Honor”,…how about
    “Badge of Honor” ? Might work. Who knows.

    What do Ya’ll think?

    “Tall Paul”

  • Sponsor

    Giving someone a separate “honor” badge for being a moderator when they already have a moderator badge seems over doing. However, I can see the need if such members contributed other helpful assistance like the way IL does. I understand that you wish to give credit to everyone here who gives their time for others, and you would not be wrong. With badges like moderator, liaison, sponsor, and rule official… it might get confusing if we add another as obscure as this. Thats why I think its important to be specific as to what this new badge represents and who is eligible. For me… it’s about who supports, promotes, and advances the game rather than the site.

  • I don’t think the title should convey accolades like “hall of fame”, rather a title that makes someone know they create maps, paint their pieces, upgrade player aids, etc…and probably include house rules and variants.

    This title cannot be too long or it won’t fit in the bracket under your name.

    what about Contributor? Customizer? File Maker? Map Maker? Cartography? Game upgrader?

  • Sponsor


    I don’t think the title should convey accolades like “hall of fame”, rather a title that makes someone know they create maps, paint their pieces, upgrade player aids, etc…and probably include house rules and variants.

    This title cannot be too long or it won’t fit in the bracket under your name.

    what about Contributor? Customizer? File Maker? Map Maker? Cartography? Game upgrader?

    I totally agree with you IL on the “type” of people that should be recognized, but it will be difficult encompassing every trade mentioned into one title. If you include people who create maps, paint their pieces, upgrade player aids, etc… you won’t be able to get away with Map Maker or File Maker. A more bold suggestion would be Designer, but Customizer is also very good. In fact, it’s very straight to the point and probably the best we’ve come up with so far. If someone contacts a “Customizer” for something specific, that person can help them or guide them to a different “Customizer” if necessary. I contacted Most Holy on making a pod cast for my game days and he was extremely helpful, I myself have be contacted numerous times about my customized global map, or my Alpha +2 rule book, and there are also tremendous ideas out there from members engineering their own tables. My point is, people should know who to ask when looking for certain game aids, or customization ideas… like a “Customizer”. There are also those who are very well versed in the many house rules that have been offered in that thread, and they would also fall nicely under the title of customizer.

  • Customizer


    ––When I mentioned including Moderators I had said “Long-Serving Moderators”. I believe there is a distinction that shows merit in the giving of “Service” to the forum.
    ----I believe YG has a great idea to bestow some recognition onto those deserving people who contribute to the furthering of this game and Inspire us all. If everyone of all categories is honored we basically have three categories,…Customizers, Designers, and Service. It seems to me that IL has two main choices to make:

    1.) The “word” used to describe the people honored, and
    2.) And if only One type of badge is used.

    ––If it were possible to have three similar but different badges, then ALL of the deserving people could be included in the following:
    Honoree-Customizer,  Honoree-Designer, and Honoree-Service.
    ––I used “Honoree”,…but IL should choose whatever “word” he decides on.

    ----If only one badge is possible,…I’d say either
    “Customizer” that includes everyone except the “Rules Guys” and long-serving “Moderators”, or
    “Honoree” which is somewhat generic but would cover everyone.

    ––My suggestion would be Customizer

    “Tall Paul”

  • Sponsor

    Yes… CUSTOMIZER… 100% agree.

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