Just read an announcement for a new Axis and Allies computer game. http://www.timegate.com/pr_5-13-03.htm Has anyone seen anything about it or is it just starting development?
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New Axis & Allies computer game
RE: Need assistance in regards to playing modem to modem etc…
Although I have not played A&A this way. I know that the Zone has a game room for A&A. I believe the CD is required. Here is the link:
http://zone.msn.com/axisandallies/default.asp?blnHBRedirect=True -
RE: Criminal CEOs
The big issue about this tax avoidance should not be how much money it has kept out of the governments budget, But what is it doing to the local industry? I think the issue with the tuna has been over simplified. If importers are forced to pay that additional tax two things can happen.
1. Importers decrease the amount of tuna shipped thus lowering the amount of taxes collected. Which that amount could be less then what was being missed before. Meaning, instead of not paying the 100 million they should, the tax collections decrease by 150 million.
2. The local industry raises it prices to meet those of the importers thus raising their profits.Which isn’t to bad but the consumer can end up paying more.
Also creating another department to verify what type of tuna is being imported can greatly off set the gain from the taxes.
Ultimatly the taxes are paid by the consumer not the CEO’s.I do have some question. Does Germany have a large Tuna industry? Why is the tax different on “rare” tuna?
RE: The Arms Trade
The only way we can stop that kind of aggression is by getting into the middle of it. We sold S. Korea a bunch of guns, and if N. Korea wants to invade S. Korea, and we weren’t there, S. Korea would be screwed. With us there, even if S. Korea had no army, they would not invade.
But if the nation has the capability to defend themselves just not the means, ie has men but no weapons. Should the US’s only solution be to throw US soldiers into the middle?
And how would we deal with other nations that would capitalize on the US being out of the arms bussiness? That’s 7.8 billion out of the US economy and into someone elses.
As for your resolution I think the penalties should be tougher against the individual. I would increase the max jail time to 5 years, its’s easier to get off with probation on a 6 month sentence.
Also I weary of the corporate penalty. In a billion dollar company getting a 100 million dollar fine could lead to a couple factories shutting down. Thus leaving thousands unemployed while the execs suffer only a stock drop. I’m not certain how best to state it but should be rethinked. -
RE: Where are your ancestors from?
Well I have Danish and English ancestors. The percentages have always confused me though. After a few generation of family in the US would I not become somewhat American?? :-? Otherwise I would have to say I’m 100% Nomadic. :)
RE: Different Perspective…
tyranny was ended and ultimately freedom and liberty have been restored to europe.
Unfortunately we moved right into the Cold War after WWII and that was also fought in Europe, but mostly in Germany. And a different type of tyranny appeared. But this should be on a different post, sorry to change directions.
We’ll return now to our regularly scheduled program -
RE: Different Perspective…
alamein, I went back to your original post and i’m wondering if you got the type of answers you were looking for or expected? or did the thread wander?
RE: Different Perspective…
F_alk, thank you for the correction about the Baltics I appologize for stating bad history/geography. The Germans were thought to be Liberators as opposed to invaders in the Baltics.
I really meant to refer to 39’ poland and france, 40’ Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland.
@F_alk:Ahm, there is a small problem.
Three of the leading industrials in the US ( Henry Ford of Ford, James Mooney of General Motors and Thomas Watson of IBM, providing the administrative backbone for the Holocaust, which they stopped not much before the declaration of war) received medals of honor from the Third Reich, Watson even got the highest medal that could be given to foreigners.Also when were the medal of honors given out? I believe they were around 36’-38’??. This fits in with Hitler trying to sooth over American industry leaders, whom were enjoying the money and thier empolyees enjoyed feeding their children. Thomas Watson was a attractive traget because he was the president of the International Chamber of Commerce in 37’ which Hitler was using to his advantage. But industry could see (or so I hope) that times were changing very quickly.
RE: Different Perspective…
CC is right about the many powerful friends in Germany, as well as national heros, Charles Lindberg the only american aviator decorated by the Nazi party. But by the end of 1940 those friendships were strectched thin and corporations were seeing a cash flow problem down the line. The only way to stay out of the war was to stop selling goods to Britain and most other overseas locations. That would have lead to another depression. But the general population of the US could not foresee or understand the economics of the situation. I feel that once people started to lose their jobs and some politiacian started making speechs that they lost thier jobs because of a Facist in Germany moods would change drastically. If Japan had not attacked Pearl it would have taken longer for the US to get involved at a much greater cost.
Also to eloborated on a comment about heritage earlier, I can understand why in todays terms that people in the US are reluctant to go to war or get involved in overseas conflict. Were are American and have been for a few generations. But in the 30s and 40s many more people were first generation Americans and still very attached to Europe.
I’m enjoying everyones views on this …. -
RE: Different Perspective…
During the 30’s American was on its way to economic recovery and the memory of WWI was still fresh in peoples minds. In fact polls taken in 1939 showed that 94 percent of the population was against war. Since much of our economy was based from goods going over seas, Germany and Japan waere major markets during the 30’s, neutrality was very attractive and profitable. But when Hitler envaded France and the Baltic’s opinion started to change. Hitler was now starting isolate America economically with Japans help. Also many Americans had emotional attachment to their ancestory in Europe. Once the war was over the common question was why we waited.
My heritage goes back to Denmark and is still a strong influence in my family. I’m a proud American first and foremost, but I feel Iwould want to get involved if that heritage was threatened. I’m sure many people felt that way in 1940.