@barnee ok I see what’s happening. It’s taking me further down the page sometimes where suggested topics is and I can’t see the unreads. I just need to scroll up. Sorry to bother you
"New" Topic
Dave, I’m curious what is the expiration date for a topic to be labeled as “new.” I’ve noticed topics sometimes a month or more old still being labeled as “new”. Basically, it makes the label totally meaningless IMHO, especially with the kind of traffic we get around here.
Just wondering . . .
Are you refering to the “new” that appears after the thread titles?
I think that means there was a “new post” in that thread since the last time you read it.
Well, that would make sense, I guess. I never looked at it that way.
Yes the “new” label means that there is a new post in a thread since the last time you looked at a thread (or since the last time you selected “view all unread” and then clicked “mark as read”
Damn, this forum stuff is complicated! :lol: