@Intrepid cool i learned something new today : )
New Attachment Storage
I’ve moved attachment from local storage to Amazon S3.
This has the benefit of unlimited redundant storage. No more running out of space. This is especially important on the new servers which only have 30GB.
The downside is that it can be a little slow for both download and upload. The software the handles the transmission of files does seem to have some caching, which should help.
If you run into problems, please let me know. Please provide a link to the thread where it happened, what happened, and approximate time of day with timezone.
The only problem seems to be that any old games… the attachments can no longer be downloaded.
I tried to download some of my maps the other day, from a game 2-3 few months ago, and they are all dead links?
Maybe it’s a different issue, or maybe it’s related… can’t confirm or deny.
To save disk space, the old process was to delete old TripleA games. I won’t have to do that anymore.