Ill check it out sometime, and throw it onto the extremely long list of books I want to read.
List of countries USA has bombed since 1945
Cuba: Never heard of such a thing. Got evidence?
Ever heard of the Bay of Pigs, bro?
Seriously, read some peer reviewed books, take some classes. Get out of the left wing fever swamp of conspiracies…
Also, what books are you referring to that are peer reviewed? Do you mean Journals? Because I believe those are often peer reviewed, but there is little, if any established academic system for reviewing books. Unless of course you were referring to compendiums of articles, or chapters in edited volumes, but those come almost entirely from peer-reviewed journals anyway.
We’ve never fired on the People’s Republic of China.
Korean War.
You can take your own advice and take a class on North Asian history, or politics, or economics if you like, it will be covered in any of those.
I’ve got good answers for all these (to begin with, lots of books are peer reviewed. I know. I’ve both written and reviewed academic treatments that are published as books by individual authors or co-authors). But I’m going to wait to respond until you defend your map, given the laughable omissions and insertions that I noted earlier.
Hey, I know you’re new here so I’m going to cut you some slack. But there are hundreds of people that use these boards from many different countries and backgrounds and certainly opinions.
We share, we suggest, we agree or disagree with one another. We argue, we present evidence, we present anecdotes, we present rhetoricals and some of us do this quite often. If you read some of the past posts you will notice that some people have very very strong opinions and can be quite animated in their posts (as animated as the board will allow).
But what we strive for, (and what the moderators try and enforce) is that we remain respectful despite our differences. So a word to the wise: if you plan to share your ideas and opinions on these forums, and plan to be listened to and respected, try to avoid childish name-calling and ad hominem attacks. You’ll find you will get along better with everyone in the long run.
Yes Garg a very academic list. I think many of us in the US would like to be greedy and keep our bombs to ourselves and save our ammo for another day.
Garg is a right wing extremist who fully supports bombing every country in the world. If USA has bombed someone, he will check that off as a victory over that country. Garg is hoping that America can bomb the world someday.
The only thing Garg does not support is bombing America. To be honest, I am expecting America to get bombed more frequently, because we oppress so many people world wide.
Who knows, maybe we will bomb ourselves again.
Garg is a right wing extremist who fully supports bombing every country in the world. If USA has bombed someone, he will check that off as a victory over that country. Garg is hoping that America can bomb the world someday.
The only thing Garg does not support is bombing America. To be honest, I am expecting America to get bombed more frequently, because we oppress so many people world wide.
Who knows, maybe we will bomb ourselves again.
I’m not going there, Cow. I’m just saying that I don’t think all Americans right or left want to go around bombing people.
Perhaps he is just jealous that Canada or he didn’t bomb that many?
Not sure how most Americans take being called ‘bro’ but at least in this part of Canada is actually a nice thing to be called bro. As far as being called a boy, well, perhaps look at the post count. Perhaps novice poster would be more PC then boy. But there is no mistake with dipshit.
You call the map bullshit, but your points of contention have all been addressed. Your objections seem to be fallacious. Arguing the name of a country ie China versus the PRC is semantics. I’ve seen some of your posts in other threads rjpeters, they were respectful so I welcome a respectful debate from you in the future. En garde!
Canada gets all proud of itself when we take on foreign fishing trawlers, if we actually bombed a country we’d probably die of exuberance. Typically Canadian to have our glory in a turbot war.
Canada gets all proud of itself when we take on foreign fishing trawlers, if we actually bombed a country we’d probably die of exuberance. Typically Canadian to have our glory in a turbot war.
Interesting article Malachi, I was a little too young to remember that one. And you’re right. It does make me a little proud to know that we fought, and won, a war with Spain and the European Union and nobody died!
Even if it was all over this guy…
I go away for a weekend camping trip and the mudslinging starts. :P
rjpeters70, I appreciate you giving an argument! I hope you continue to provide counter arguments as you develop them… We do try to not flame people around here, and I try (I don’t have a 100% success rate) to keep the peace by deleting flames and unneeded material. I am watching this like a hawk. This isn’t per se political, although I understand it can be construed that way. Garg is not suggesting that the US is right or wrong in their endeavors. If that is the point, A, he’s flat wrong, he can’t make such a claim, and b, this has historical merit.
I am glad this thread has opened up to include nations that have bombed other nations in general.
Since no one has made an official list, I shall drop that bombshell… The countries Canada has bombed since 1945:
Lybia (2011)
Afghanistan (2001 - Present)
Korea (1951-1953) (RCAF pilots flew combat missions in the USAF)
Kuwait (1991)
Iraq (1991)
Yugoslavia (1999)Boom! And building components for US bombs made them… accomplices. ;)
rjpeters70, I guess as long as you don’t officially call them bases there are no bases. There are facilities with US servicemen operating US equipment under US command for US purposes.
You say nothing in Australia, I say read this: say nothing in Isreal, I say research this:
The Dimona Radar Facility is an American-operated radar base in the Negev, staffed by 120 US military personnel.You say nothing in Pakistan, I say research this: mentions all three countries in their list of countries with US bases., we can agree to disagree. I can agree that you disagree with boat loads of easily researched material that supports the original premise.
If basing or bombing is done clandestinely, it still occurred.
The Dimona site is not a base. Bases are areas from which American forces can reside and project power.
Well there has to be a distinction between a facility and a base. I can live with your arbitrary line. Now with Pakistan, the Pakistanair bases from which US drones flew….If the drones are not armed then its like Dimona, just a facility for info gathering. Put a hellfire on one of those drones and now you are projecting power so it becomes a US base. True, the Pakistan bases were under command of Pakistan air bases, but the US drones were not under Pakistan control.
Wiki does appear to be fairly liberal in what they classify as a base granted.
Wiki nor any other site is a great place to solely cite from. Many people go on to point how inaccurate Wiki is. Granted it has errors, but if it is so choke full of errors it ought to be easy to point out a slew of them.
The map is from an article here: article talks about ‘bases’ in Australia that form ECHELON. Surveillance yes, information does help project power. But we argue semantics. Is a US spy facility a base? Well that last article calls them a base. I hate arguing over the meaning of a word. Great sparring with you by the way!
Cuba is omitted because the US holds an open ended lease for complete jurisdiction and control of Guantanamo Bay and Cuban authorities have absolutely no jurisdiction on the premises. It is for all intents and purposes, American soil. Furthermore, the US and Cuba have no diplomatic relations. So, if anything it is actually more of an occupation than a legit overseas military installation.
But I see your point. I would probably put it on the map. I didnt make the map you see. I just put it up because it was related to the other topic and I found it interesting.
Clearly you did too. ;-)