And the fact that his archenemy, Montgomory, only dared to attack while Rommel himself was in Bavaria, recovering from a desease (don’t know the English name for that desease…) says a lot!

Best posts made by Tavenier
RE: Choose your Leader
Latest posts made by Tavenier
RE: Best practice of keeping tracking movement and etc
For ships we always have all ships horizontally. Until they move and we place them vertically. This is really helpful with countries like Japan. Good to see what transports already moved , what subs have moved etc. Even when we don’t move ships in non combat, we place them vertically, so we know that’s the plan (to not move them). Round two is the same, but then all ships are placed horizontally again. Really simple, but really helpful.
RE: Was the Taranto raid overlooked?
I agree with Taamvan. Doing Taranto comes with a high price for England. It loses its fleet, which also could have been used to help out India or retreat behind Suez and wait for a nice opportunity to kill off Italians at a different time.
It also means Sealion is more viable. You have to get most planes into the fight, which aren’t there to save Britain, if G does Sealion.
It’s not a no-brainer to me, although most of the time I do it. It also depends on G1 buys. If there are TT’s bought, I reconsider. If there are German fighters in Italy, I think twice. If Russia gets attacked G1 I almost guarantee to do Taranto, etc. -
RE: Players in Eindhoven, Netherlands
Hey! I am one of the Dutchies Wittman is talking about. I, however, live in Zaanstad. That’s really far away from Eindhoven, unfortunately. One guy from our group lives in Bodegraven, which is considerably closer to you guys. He is not on this frum, so I could give him your information?
Anyone from Noord Holland, or closeby? I live a fifteen minutes drive from Amsterdam, for instance.
RE: How to best deal with Italy
The only problem I usually have by using that TT for taking a DEI Island is that in round two that TT is lost and the two inf you stationed there are but a marginal headache for Japan.
RE: German Sub Opener
As Germany I help out Italy by taking out that cruiser rather then taking out the DD and TT off the coast of Canada. Or if I feel Lucky I do both with about 50-50 odds.
RE: How to best deal with Italy
I also sometimes use India forces to kill off Italians in Africa. It´s ofcourse a one time action. The rest of Indian Brits are needed against Japan. But I mostly make up for that by building an IC in Persia to help out India with European Brits.
I also sometimes use my Indians to transport units straight into Persia so I can build an IC there UK2.
RE: Any need for French units beyond the setup?
There was one game where my French units were literally essential in winning. The Battle of France cost the German player all but his tanks. The French DD and Cruiser killed its Italian attackers, survived, and saved a British fleet next to Gibraltar, so that UK could build an airbase there, which forever denied Italy its NO´s. The DD by Africa turns later could block a Japanese fleet from invading India, which after that never got captured.
RE: Summer 2015 & Autumn 2015 Battle of Britain Events - Invitation
Thanks! Yes, I will let you guya know as soon as I am sure I can come.
RE: Summer 2015 & Autumn 2015 Battle of Britain Events - Invitation
I am going to try and join the September 6th one.
Hopefully I can join one of the next ones! And perhaps followed by one in my country, called Market Garden (or Fall Gelb, depending on which side you play).