Excuse me? You will refer to me as Champ.
Russia can go down in 7 rounds, but it is still 3-4 more before germany can move into position for the europe win. Comes down to if japan is still around or not ie. if uk pacific is a second russia guarding the middle east.
The point is, global is boring. Most games just break down the same way and I want to fast forward button past rounds to see the conclusion and call it a day.
My attention span for a dice game is 3 rounds after that I am bored. LL 7 rounds then we got to save and continue later. Live games, I rather just play aa50 because global won’t get finished and it is too much hassle to write down where everything was (pictures don’t really tell you many chips you got under a stack very well).
I used to play a full game of global when it was fresh, even then it was lackluster.
AA50 is more like a race. Global is more like one side turtles up and tries to maintain position, maybe drop men to keep pressure off of russia, while the other side has fun until the fighters run out.
global just requires patience I do not have, when there are so many different forms of pleasure in this world.