Territories only change hands when an enemy power takes control of them. Even though Japan has taken control of the UK Pacific capital, that does not mean that it has captured the rest of UK Pacific’s territories. So unless Japan actually sends units into those territories, she will not have control of them.
This is not an interpretation of the rules. This is the rule. There is no automatic capturing of territories at all in Global 1940 any edition. Unless you count Mongolia for the Russians, but that is something different entirely.

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RE: UK-India falls,….????Automatic Capture of other UK-Pacific countries????
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Steam id: gliven_colin
If anyone has Crusader kings II, Europa Universalis 4, Civ4/5, Men of war, Renegade X
add me up.
Anyone playing the new multiplayer beta?
Unofficial sequel to the original Command & Conquer Renegade.
FPS/RTS hybrid
It’s totally free. Made by modders in their spare time.
They started up an indi gaming company called Totem Arts.I suggest you guys go check them out.
RE: Best Video WWII Game?
I agree Men of War Assault Squad is amazing.
Assault Squad 2 is coming out march 20th
RE: Breaking Into a High Security Prison
The only reason the Predators would even consider to help us lowly creatures, would be so that they could hunt us and the person they helped escape for sport.
So my answer would have to be Batman. Knock out a few guards, toss a holographic image of the inmate in their cell, sneak out. Job done.
RE: You and the kids can soon sit on Satans lap and take pictures.
You can see electricity……
RE: R.I.P. C&C
If any of you were a fan of the Mammoth tank. You get to DRIVE one in Renegade.
RE: R.I.P. C&C
Red Alert 2 Yuri’s Revenge, Is my favourite RTS game hands down.
C&C Renegade based off the first C&C, is my favourite first person shooter of all time. No contest.
There is an Indy gaming company called Totem Arts, who is remaking Renegade with modern graphics engine. They are calling it Renegade X
Its a stand-alone game totally free because of licence issues. They already realeased the single player story mode. Multi player is coming out next year. EA is actually helping them out with play testing and what not. They agreed to support Totem Arts so they could help bring more awareness to their brand.
If you like C&C and FPS you should totally check out Renegade X
RE: What do you use to count losses from combat?
My brother and I use a lot of dice.
Roll for 1’s. set aside dice that hit.
Roll for 2’s. set aside dice that hit.
Roll for 3’s. etc.
count all the hits after round of battle.
remove casualties.We find this method much faster.
RE: Oztea tries to make a map
After reading both of your comments, Knp and Oztea. I concede that my idea of larger coastal territories was a bad idea. I actually like the hexes up to the coast better. My only concern was trying to defend a land zone from amphibious assault without having to split up my navies. Also when i came up with the idea i didnt envision a sea zone stretching from maine to texas. More like 3 sea zones along that coast. Which is pretty close to what the hexes are already doing on the american east coast. My idea was geared more towards waters such as the Mediterranean seas, Baltic, and the sea of Japan.
RE: Oztea tries to make a map
Hey Oztea,
hows the map coming along?
I have a suggestion for the sea zones if you are staying with the hexes. I believe you should keep ocean zones as hexes, but sea zones and coastal waters should have drawn out zones like in the official games. This creates a clear image of which zones naval and air bases control over.
An example would be making the sea of japan one sea zone. Split up the Mediterranean, Baltic, Black, Red, etc. seas into non hex zones. Islands are fine in hexes because they are small and able to fit into small zones. But i think continental territories should not have to defend multiple sea zones.
If you create large sea zones around coastal waters this shows the zone of control naval and air bases will have. This will also prevent you from having to split up your navy to prevent an amphibious assault.
Another way to do it without adjusting the map is to create a rule where if your navy is sitting in a naval base. They have control over all adjacent sea zone hexes. OR Battle of the Bulge style. Your ships have a zone of control over adjacent hexes no matter where they are on the map. So if an enemy navy enters an adjacent hex to your navy. The defender can decide to intercept or the attacker can decide to do battle.
To be honest I prefer my first suggestion with the coastal territories being larger. There is no complex rules and less confusing to which sea zone connects to which land territory.
Also these are just suggestions. It is your map you don’t have to listen to me lol :wink: