@dawgoneit Hi, the DL map is before Russia moves.
You need to do Russia 1 please.
I am Axis
all my games are going slowly so i’m looking to pick up another game, tier 1 or higher, bm
Need a BM game or 2, haven’t played it yet. Only fast players please, would like to finish before XMAS, tier unimportant.
I’m keen on trialling a slight variant of G40. Add an airbase on Malta and a bid on top of that.
Anyone interested?
Looking to start a somewhat slow moving, holiday season, G40, no bid game that will most likely finish in 2017 for the 17 league. PM me if you are interested.
I’m new to the league and looking for a game. Balanced or regular.
I’m new to the league and looking for a game. Balanced or regular.
Happy to give you a game. You can choose. If you want regular we would normally bid for a start with allies.
I presume you have Triple-A 1.9
Hey all: pm me for slowish BM 2 games :-)
Looking for a few bm2.0 games and one world domination game
How do I begin to play?
How do I begin to play?
Hi Irish. Unless you’re on a Mac, get Triple-A 1.9: http://www.triplea-game.org/download
Are you looking for a Balanced Mod game? Choice of sides? You also need to register an email with the dice server: http://dice.tripleawarclub.org/
Up for some more games.
**Merry Christmas everyone!
I have been uber busy at work the last months (so I am very rusty), but I have some time over the holidays and I am looking for a pair of Balance Mod games (1 axis and 1 allies), with whatever version is current. League games of course.
Please PM me if you are tier 3 or less and able to post a few times a day from now til New years day.
Ho Ho Ho!**
Welcome back!
You should go to the stickied thread for balanced mod rules and review the opening post by RegularKid - look at the highlighted rules for the changes, to get current
I believe the rules in the notes in Triple A are also current, but not highlighted - watch out especially for a couple of Vichy France rule changes, but again, if you read the rules thread you will see them all highlighted
Ah great, will do Gamerman. thanks
Hey all,
Played a bunch early last year and learned a ton (mostly through getting my ass kicked haha). I’m looking to get back into the swing of things for the 2017 League. I’m a low-tier player right now, any takers for a game? Assuming we wouldn’t finish it till 2017, so not sure when league games start counting towards 2017, or if they already have.
Also, what are people playing nowadays, Balanced Mod 2.0 or the most recent version of OoB setup with Allies bidding?
Thanks and looking forward to a game, just message me.
Looking for a balanced mod game.
Looking to start a Bm game. Bid for allies.
bid goes to the Axis, yes