2016 League General Discussion Thread
So in a couple of games I’ve had an error opening up the .tsvg file. Something about a zip being invalid. In one game my opponent was able to fix it by reapplying the moves from dice emails but that hasn’t worked in another.
Any ideas out there? Anyone seen this or know what it is? Perhaps the file is getting too big or something? Server running out of space?
Really not sure here.
having the same issues
yup, files are not uploading correctly, which probably means some of us will have to redo/recreate our turns and then exchange via email until file posting has been fixed.
for those of you who haven’t posted your turn yet, be sure to save your completed turn first before posting and exiting the game. if the posting is still broken, at least you have the completed turn saved so that you can exchange via email.
Maybe they aren’t downloading correctly. Seems the file size is too small after downloading (1kB), but the attached save game appears about right.
In fact, the downloaded save file is completely empty. Perhaps the server is indeed out of space but records the file as the correct size.
Having issues as well. I was able to post my turn alright but my opponent could not open the file. Neither could I.
I recreate the file and did my move and it works fine.
Thinking it has to do with the latest Java update and we had this issue in the past a couple of times.So updating Java would be necessary as well.
Sincerely AetV
Works again. I believe this had something to do with the forum as only uploaded files didn’t work.
Still not working for me.
Still not working for me.
Not for me either. If there is a trick, let us know! ]
They mean that new posts work, so if you already posted the map while it wasn’t working you need to post again.
They mean that new posts work, so if you already posted the map while it wasn’t working you need to post again.
Just repost your last map.
Just noticed that Triple-A selects all units in a territory if you hold down shift when clicking on it. I didn’t know about that! Could be useful.
When all else fails, read the instructions
You do know about control clicking?
And that clicking in a territory without clicking on any units brings up a dialog box for selecting numbers of individual units?
And what else might you be missing? -
I know about all of those but what instructions are you referring to that include that info?
Oh. It’s under Help!
The “download-savegame-issue” appears to be back.
I was just about to post it.
Forum issue has been solved by djensen.