As most will agree, your continent won’t do you a lot of damn good if you don’t have other interests elsewhere. Basic tactics of RISK (thankfully a much better RISK player than A&A….probably cause of the die rolls!), dictate a continent of interest while holding a position for contention.
I find if I’m in a purple mood, I will try to wage war in N. America. If things get tough, I can run to Asia, S.A., or Europe and try to regroup.
I find if I’m craving Latin, then I need to focus my additional forces in the Middle East/SE Asia for outs to Africa/Europe/Austraila
While I would love to get N. America, I find this under heavy contention in most my games. Everyone knows Europe and Asia can be death traps, so everyone is pushing for an “in” at N.America. This is where I have figured the reverse of the Austrailian strat does not bode well for succes in N. America. I will use a Northern Asia/Eastern Europe mentality. These forces are key to a two front war for those trying to breech into Canada via Europe or Asia.
A continent is key to success, but a second force is vital for expansion, especially for you Down Under Campers!