Hey Guys,
I saw on Smorey Swamp that Commanders and Tactics WW2 Deck Building Game was played at Gencon. I have been trying to find the game on BGG with no luck. If anyone knows this game and can provide a link that would be awesome.
Thanks heaps
I play Resident Evil 5 70%
Other games 30%.
Monopoly from time to time…
I play a lot of Gears of War on Live, but I still suck at it. I love the Gears series, but Epic’s server setup for online play is marginal at best. I can count on one hand the number of times I have made it past wave 10 on Horde mode with a full five players, and most of those times was using a split-screen with my brother. Host migrations and disconnects are poorly handled and run rampant.
Most ultimat X-Box game
that is a great arcade game
They really have some good arcade games on Live. My personal favorites are Geometry Wars and Castle Crashers. If you are prone to seizures, I recommend avoiding Geometry Wars. lol
They really have some good arcade games on Live. My personal favorites are Geometry Wars and Castle Crashers. If you are prone to seizures, I recommend avoiding Geometry Wars. lol
Castle Crashers is completely worth the money even though it came out like 3-4 years ago. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game is awesome and has a fantastic soundtrack.
I’m thiiiiis close to getting minecraft for the 360 after playing with it on the ipad.
Best Arcade game hands down is Battlefield 1942 FPS on arcade, WoW :-o $15
Best Arcade game hands down is Battlefield 1942 FPS on arcade, WoW :-o $15
Oh yeah, another good one. I’ve played the hell out of that. If you ever want to meet up in a game, I’m down. My GT is the same as my username here.
My mind changed……