• Read this in today’s paper….the link to the Wall Street Journal article is below. When will people learn? When will we stop supporting these types of organizations?

    **Associated Press

    PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Documents released Friday shed light on the inner workings of a secretive and now-disgraced Roman Catholic order called the Legion of Christ, including new details on how the organization solicited money from an elderly widow, eventually persuading her to bequeath it $60 million.

    The documents, previously sealed in a lawsuit brought before Superior Court in Rhode Island, include thousands of pages of testimony from high-ranking leaders at the Legion, its members and relatives of wealthy widow Gabrielle Mee. They are the first-ever depositions of high-ranking Legion officials and include how the order’s former second-in-command learned in 2006 that its founder had fathered a child.

    The No. 2 said he didn’t go public with the news of the paternity because the founder, the late Rev. Marcial Maciel, had already been sanctioned by the Holy See for having sexually abused seminarians and forced into a lifetime of penance and prayer.**


  • @JWW:

    When will people learn?

    People would and will learn when they start to read the Bible.

    Everybody can stay on a raised potest and tell many people many things and claiming this is the word of God, but you have to compare it with the Word, the Bible, to see the TRUTH.


    When will we stop supporting these types of organizations?

    I`m not sure if this was or is an Organization, this story (if true) is very sad but it is not on me to judge.

  • These type of organizations?  You mean the Catholic church?

    They essentially swept child molestation under the rug and no one questioned it.  I’m not at all surprised money was also a point of foul play.

  • '12


    People would and will learn when they start to read the Bible.

    But only the good parts of the bible right?

    Psalms 137:9
    “How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones against the rock,”

    So killing kids is blessed?

    Timothy 2:12,  “I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent.”

    How Talebanish….

    Samuel 15:3: "This is what the Lord Almighty says … ‘Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’ "

    All out genocide, just what the bible ordered……

    Peter 2:18: “Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel.”

    God for slavery, how cool is that?

    Quoting the bible is all fine, but NEVER abdicate personal responsibility and some critical thinking.  When an adult is screwing a child its time to stop protecting pedophiles in the name of god.


  • I`m very glad that you pointed it out that way MrMalachiCrunch, because it makes it much more easier to explain it.

    See you adressed quite a few questions, but you adressed them to humans. Why? If the Word is written by and through God, through His Holy Spirit.
    He is using people who really wanting to know Him ,who he really is!

    And the real question you have is: Why I don´t get an answer to all of my questions.
    You got to ask Him and beliving that he his willing to provide for all of your needs .

    People making mistakes arround the clock, and a good man doesn´t exist!
    We are living our lives and it is totally up to us what we are going to do with it. It is your choice!
    You can try to live a good life and may still fail because you demanded in your choice to live without God.
    You can live a good life with God.
    You can try to live a bad life and realizing there is a God.
    Whatever your personal choice is you will live your life and you know the rules.
    Don`t make it depending on others because you know that it is you who is making the choice/s for your life.
    God looks at our Heart and knows our Heart.

    Psalms 137:9 is to read and understand as whole ,refrences also in Isaiah 13:16 and 14,21 wich is a coming and occurring prediction of Babylon.
    1. Timothy 2:12 is about how womens supposed to behalf in a seremony or Biblestudy. Paul declares it as a must but the Lord also said shall!
    about 1.Samuel 15:3 is to say, that it will sidetrack from this topic since it was about a feud the Israelites had going with the Amelekites.
    1. Peter 2:18 talks about our behaving towards others and he is using the image of a slave for a better transparence, understanding.

    I´m not a fan of the Pope but I liked what he said:
    I apolgize for all of my failures. and this sentence connects us, because we are all sinners.

    God bless you all.

  • Sponsor

    The Catholic Cult has murdered millions, has sexually molested thousands of little children, has built a city made of gold using money taken from brainwashed believers, has vilified millions of homosexuals telling them they will burn in hell, and has influenced world leaders using power of representaion of a large global membership, built by initiating unknowing and unwilling baby infants.

    Where is that story in the news? oh ya…. you won’t find it, because the media only spreads fear about other religious organzations that try to take money from people before the Catholics can, and all in the name of “God”

    BTW… you’re not allowed to discuss religion in these forums… for obvious reasons.

  • '12

    I agree, for obvious reasons religion should be left out of these forums.

    I did address this to humans.  There is no logical point in talking to god.  By definition god is omnipotent, so he knows what I am thinking before I do.  In fact, by definition, omnipotent means god knows everything I ever will think.  So logically, if he already knows, why tell him again, just wasting time.  I don’t mean to be offensive, but the concept of god is kinda silly and should be left off of this forum, Praise be to Allah if it is.

  • Moderator

    For real?! If I am not allowed to make arguments, neither are you guys. Everything stays as it is, but if you know you are walking over the edge, don’t do it!  :mrgreen:


  • '12

    Discussing religion is one thing.  Saying one should follow a religion or book I think is crossing the line.   Saying you fail in life because you choose not to believe in god I think is also crossing the line.  Now go a head and down vote this post as well, I shall take pride in that.

    You can try to live a good life and may still fail because you demanded in your choice to live without God.

    If people insist on thumping bibles in here then they’re going to be counter examples posted.

    Now if there is no thumping of bibles then there are great conversations to be had IMHO.

    I’ve got one…

    The Ontological Argument: God is Perfect and Thus Exists

    1. God is the most perfect (‘the greatest’) being conceivable.
    2. It is more perfect (‘greater’) to exist than not to exist.
    3. Therefore, God must exist.


  • Moderator

    I was meaning both sides, so yes, aequitas et veritas is at fault as well.


  • I view God as being all that exists in the universe. Therefore, if you deny God it follows the universe does not exist either.

    That makes it possible to eliminate all the “if god exists, why can’t he end suffering” arguments, and at the same time removes organized religion and all the “pray and if God willing you will receive” arguments.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    There’s a difference between faith and religion. Whatever anyone wants to believe is entirely up to that person I’d say. And if they live a better life because of their faith, or are a better person towards others, that’s all wonderful regardless of whatever they believe has any basis in physical reality.

    But religion…. that’s often when authority figures step up, building on faith to create a power base for themselves. Cloaked elderly men appear, indulging in arcane rituals, selectively quoting ancient texts to suit their own purposes. Whatever you believe… don’t believe them.

  • '12

    Hear, Hear brother Herr KaLeun!

    Faith can unite whereas religion too often divides.

    Then there are the extreme religious nut jobs who in my opinion give religion a terrible image.


  • nicely spoken Herr KaLeun, eins hoch!

    I´m totally agreeing with you on that one.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Read this in today’s paper….the link to the Wall Street Journal article is below. When will people learn? When will we stop supporting these types of organizations?

    **Associated Press

    PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Documents released Friday shed light on the inner workings of a secretive and now-disgraced Roman Catholic order called the Legion of Christ, including new details on how the organization solicited money from an elderly widow, eventually persuading her to bequeath it $60 million.

    The documents, previously sealed in a lawsuit brought before Superior Court in Rhode Island, include thousands of pages of testimony from high-ranking leaders at the Legion, its members and relatives of wealthy widow Gabrielle Mee. They are the first-ever depositions of high-ranking Legion officials and include how the order’s former second-in-command learned in 2006 that its founder had fathered a child.

    The No. 2 said he didn’t go public with the news of the paternity because the founder, the late Rev. Marcial Maciel, had already been sanctioned by the Holy See for having sexually abused seminarians and forced into a lifetime of penance and prayer.**


    What about the MORMON Racket’s?  If you know anything about them you can’t even argue they are a religion, or a faith.  Just a Cult.

    If the “Catholic Church” is going to be today’s target, why not all kinds of other hokies?

  • @Gargantua:


    Read this in today’s paper….the link to the Wall Street Journal article is below. When will people learn? When will we stop supporting these types of organizations?

    **Associated Press

    PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Documents released Friday shed light on the inner workings of a secretive and now-disgraced Roman Catholic order called the Legion of Christ, including new details on how the organization solicited money from an elderly widow, eventually persuading her to bequeath it $60 million.

    The documents, previously sealed in a lawsuit brought before Superior Court in Rhode Island, include thousands of pages of testimony from high-ranking leaders at the Legion, its members and relatives of wealthy widow Gabrielle Mee. They are the first-ever depositions of high-ranking Legion officials and include how the order’s former second-in-command learned in 2006 that its founder had fathered a child.

    The No. 2 said he didn’t go public with the news of the paternity because the founder, the late Rev. Marcial Maciel, had already been sanctioned by the Holy See for having sexually abused seminarians and forced into a lifetime of penance and prayer.**


    What about the MORMON Racket’s?  If you know anything about them you can’t even argue they are a religion, or a faith.  Just a Cult.

    If the “Catholic Church” is going to be today’s target, why not all kinds of other hokies?

    The RCC wasn’t a target, this is just another recent example of how they or their subsidiaries prey on the weak. I strongly agree with you, “why not all kinds of other hokies?”, we need to ensure that all of these supernatural organizations aren’t harming people and society as they have been for thousands of years. We need to be prosecuting them for their crimes. I would be thrilled if we started with the church of LDS.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    How do you propse we start?

    Maybe by putting them in camps that have gun turrets?

  • @Gargantua:

    How do you propse we start?

    IMO, we start holding people and organizations accountable for preying on and hurting the weakest, physically and mentally, among us? The good news is, that we have started, one prophet, Jeffs is in prison, but others in that organization are certainly complicit! We need to, as someone else stated, change the RICO laws & change the laws as they pertain to the statue of limitations that prohibits prosecuting child predators after so many years. That would be a good start IMO. Perhaps we prosecute the laws currently on the books that pertain to polygamy? I think people in the UK & Germany are considering trying to bring the Pope up on charges that he was complicit in the global RCC pedophile ring. The HBO documentary  https://www.hbo.com/documentaries/mea-maxima-culpa/index.html makes this point very clear!

    Educate the masses on the crimes these groups cause. I am certainly in favor of taxing these organizations/businesses.

    It is certainly a good start.


    Maybe by putting them in camps that have gun turrets?

    I would put this idea in the “very bad idea” category!  I would hope that, as T.Jefferson stated,….I hope I am not butchering this quote, that once humanity, by educating the masses, “lights” up the room, that the religious men in cloth will run back into the shadows and hide.

  • Sponsor

    GG & JWW

    If you’re going to break your policy and allow a monitored tread discussing religion, don’t all beliefs discussed deserve a more encompassing title for said thread?

  • Moderator


    At this point, I don’t know whether I should or shouldn’t. I’ve monitored other threads like a hawk, and in the end, people keep leaning toward the edge.

    As to your question, I am looking at the originating content, and the thread is about an organization, ergo the title being about the organization. I would think that’s a legitimate title for a thread. The material below it is not necessarily on topic or within the rules.


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