haha I have been busy with different sports, etc but I hope to stop in more, I’m I one of the oldest members still stopping by
Latest posts made by MuthaRussia
RE: Hello fellas
RE: Rangers Set MLB Record
shitt fellas, the pitcher was on my fantasy team. its hard to compensate for I think 17 er’s in one start… :cry:
This just in
I went to Shanghai this summer, and I must say I was delightfuly surprised and worried at the same time. Shangha is a very nice city. I would never guess it was communist if I didn’t know already. Beiijing is in need of some work, but if anyone passes us up in the next 100 years it’s gonna be China, mark my words.
RE: Jennifer's Icon
Guys, guys, guys, enough. You guys are like a bunch of school boys at an all boy school. Sure Jennifer is the best looking thing on this board since the new layout, but there is no need to drool over her photo.
hahha I’m just messing guys, of course shes hot as hell.
God Bless ya Jennifer, you have ever quality a “true” man can desire. :-)
AWK anyone???
Does anyone else here like real music like ANDREW W.K.??? If not check out his cds, I Get Wet, Close Calls With Brick Walls, and th Wolf.
Oh GG, haha you’re best off just sitting a few plays out here, or at least attempt to dig yourself out of this hole you’ve dug….battleship :lol: :-D
I think I’ll be around a little more now at least for the next couple weeks.