Axis & Allies 1942 2nd Edition Announced!

  • omg…

  • '12

    A bit light on details.  I would like to see a map, new territories?  I wonder why no play testing occurred that came to light here, perhaps the changes are very subtle?

  • Lol oh dear the paranoid individuals havent even accepted the 1941 game yet how are they going to react to this ?

    Why not a europe 2nd edition instead of this though?

  • They are probably working on the 1940 series.

    One note - in both of the flyers, they say “all new” sculpts, which leads me to believe the 16 sculpts in 1941 and the 5 in 1942 do not overlap (which makes sense from a marketing perspective).

    So that means 21 new sculpts!

  • TripleA '12

    Lovely! Can’t wait to get my sweaty little mits on this!  :-)

  • If somebody could make an introduction to the play test group with the ability to talk about the game without being blocked by and NDA, then I would gladly report on such things. As it is, it’s hard enough to get info out of Hasbro/Wizards.


    A bit light on details.  I would like to see a map, new territories?  I wonder why no play testing occurred that came to light here, perhaps the changes are very subtle?

  • LOL. another board game to argue over XD

  • How do we know that A&A 1941 wasn’t just a mixup, and they meant for this to be released?

  • @Rebel:

    How do we know that A&A 1941 wasn’t just a mixup, and they meant for this to be released?

    Hmmmmm….good thought.

  • '10

    I think it’s nice they are making the bigger map, but since I already made one, unless they change anything with the territories I don’t know if I’ll be getting this one.
    Might try to get the new anti-aircraft artillery pieces and a new rule book from HBG if there are any changes, but I don’t think I’m paying $65 for a few new sculpts.

  • @empireman:


    How do we know that A&A 1941 wasn’t just a mixup, and they meant for this to be released?

    Hmmmmm….good thought.

    GUYS look at the difference in description!
    form 16 new sculpts to 5?
    date change?
    2 different release dates
    all evidence points to 2 diffrent games…
    dose 1 exist and one not…i dk…but they re 2 entirely diffrent games

  • @cminke:



    How do we know that A&A 1941 wasn’t just a mixup, and they meant for this to be released?

    Hmmmmm….good thought.

    GUYS look at the difference in description!
    form 16 new sculpts to 5?
    date change?
    2 different release dates
    all evidence points to 2 diffrent games…
    dose 1 exist and one not…i dk…but they re 2 entirely diffrent games

    Oops  :-P

  • All I’m saying is that someone in Sales and Distribution could have got mixed up and put out info that they were releasing the 1941, and then realized the mistake, pulled the PDF down, and a few weeks later put up the right one… I’m not saying i’m right, but I could have happened! :D

    (But wait! It was released exactly 20 days after April 1st! It’s just a joke!) :roll:

  • @Rebel:

    All I’m saying is that someone in Sales and Distribution could have got mixed up and put out info that they were releasing the 1941, and then realized the mistake, pulled the PDF down, and a few weeks later put up the right one… I’m not saying i’m right, but I could have happened! :D

    I think you may be right!
    Because in the 1941-announcement it is said

    Familiar Mechanics:
    This game utilizes the A&A game mechanics present in A&A 1942 2nd Edition, as designed by Larry Harris (the creator of
    the original game).

    This reference to 1942 2nd Edition indicates that 1941 was meant to be published after 1942 2nd Edition.

  • Sales and Distribution could have got mixed up and put out info that they were releasing the 1941, and then realized the mistake, pulled the PDF down, and a few weeks later put up the right one… I’m not saying i’m right, but I could have happened!

    Right and they even provide a picture of the box ….for 1941 edition…

  • I don’t get it. 1942 was the entry level game. Then they announced 1941 with shorter playtime. Then they announce 1942 2e…?!?  Makes no sense with the currently given information, but perhaps it will eventually…

  • 41: cheap and fast game (30$)
    42: “middle tier” game (60$)
    50: advanced a&a (90$)
    G40: niche aaa big game (180$)

  • @Noll:

    41: cheap and fast game (30$)
    42: “middle tier” game (60$)
    50: advanced a&a (90$)
    G40: niche aaa big game (180$)

    Yup, same as what I figured.

  • It makes sense. Basically, they are pushing 1942 “upmarket” with new sculpts, a bigger map, etc, and introducing a “real” starter version.

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