It’s not working for me… may I ask what it is?

Latest posts made by Rebel
RE: An online WaS mapping tool - in progress
RE: Axis & Allies 1941 First Preview
Maybe he was thinking of the HMS Courageous which was sunk by a sub early on in the war. The Ark was fired at, but the torpedos missed and hit some other ships IIRC. It was sunk a year later though! :D
My Guess is a Yorktown or Indomitable… but I’m no expert! :lol:
RE: Axis & Allies 1941 First Preview
Nah… it’s an April Fool’s joke… :roll:
But seriously, it looks awesome, and I like the map better than the Spring-1942, though some other parts look a bit worse! :D
Thank’s DJenson!
Is there a reason the US starts at 15 IPC’s on the board but has 17 IPC’s worth of territories? Or it an error on the board?
I think it’s just a printing error. Probably they start with 17, or there’s a rule that they lose 2 IPC’s the first few turns till the economy catches up! :D
RE: Fghtrs vs Cap. Ships
Fighters dont even DENT Battleships :-D, but they can do little damage to carriers. :mrgreen:
well technically ur wrong. Most battleships u are right but the Kongo class could be hurt by a straffeing fighter. Its armour is 6 and some allied fighters have 3 gunnery die. so if a straffeing fighter rolls 3 6’s, it could damage a BB
Some would say that the Kongo is a Battlecruiser… like the Hood, Moltke, &c. But you could also say that the Corsairs 5 dice Strafe, or Beaufighter’s strafe + Spotting could yield enough hits to damage even some of the best BB’s! :D
RE: Largest Map?
I prefer to use my own custom maps, mostly around 3x2 WotC maps. But I have played on a 5x4…
RE: Axis & Allies 1942 2nd Edition Announced!
All I’m saying is that someone in Sales and Distribution could have got mixed up and put out info that they were releasing the 1941, and then realized the mistake, pulled the PDF down, and a few weeks later put up the right one… I’m not saying i’m right, but I could have happened! :D
(But wait! It was released exactly 20 days after April 1st! It’s just a joke!) :roll:
RE: Axis & Allies 1942 2nd Edition Announced!
How do we know that A&A 1941 wasn’t just a mixup, and they meant for this to be released?
RE: Unit reviews
Sorry, he’s a researcher on the Forumini who writes really good analysis’s and reviews. Has written a few really good WAS and AAAF posts. I know his reviews have helped my playing! :D
Example:’m just saying that if I did write anything, it would be based on his posts often… cause he’s right! :D