• TripleA

    I really don’t like that they war as a unit… that could lead to some dirty tricks. like uk naval on japan transports then anzac dow… then japan cannot load transport!

    But that’s why I always DOW J1.

  • Official Q&A


    Does uk and anzac dow on japan seperately should they declare on japan?



    Say uk DOWs japan. when anzac’s turn comes does he have to dow japan or is he already at war? In otherwords if a lone destroyer from japan is at java which is owned by anzac sharing a seazone with a transport… If anzac is not yet at war he could pick up an infantry and take celebes, if he is already at war he cannot do this as per hostile sea zone rules.

    ANZAC and Japan are already at war, so the sea zone is hostile and the transport can’t load.


    Please let me know if these are true,

    They are.

    You guys playing a game together?  :wink:

  • If the US doesn’t control Central America at the beginning of it’s turn but takes it back during combat, can US naval units in SZ64 move through Panal Canal during non-combat to SZ91? Need a quick answer on this! Thanks!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    If the US doesn’t control Central America at the beginning of it’s turn but takes it back during combat, can US naval units in SZ64 move through Panal Canal during non-combat to SZ91? Need a quick answer on this! Thanks!

    No.  You have to control all canals at the start of your turn!  Suez Canal, Straits of Gibraltar, Danish Straits (might be wrong name there) and Panama Canal are all the same.

  • France is liberated…what happens to the French territories that were liberated by the Allies (remain that specific ally or go back to French custody?)…mucho appreciado answerito.

  • @Mallery29:

    France is liberated…what happens to the French territories that were liberated by the Allies (remain that specific ally or go back to French custody?)…mucho appreciado answerito.

    They all revert back to French control.  The Allies lose them.
    Works the same way for any capital liberated - not special for France, btw

  • I always found that silly, because nobody ever liberates France. Even the NO for North America isn’t worth it, because if you have say Normandy, Southern France as America (which is very easy to do), you already have 5 IPCs and the minor factories.

    Liberate France and you’re not really gaining any IPC, you lose those factories as America, and you give Germany or Italy a good chance at grabbing France’s IPCs with a recapture.

    Not sure there’s really a good upside there because you can possibly also have the three French territories in N.Africa very easily for another 3 IPC. At that point you would just be losing IPC, even with the NO.

    I do like the France Troop Bonus but 12 IPCs worth of troops really might not be a big enough incentive. Does anyone liberate France in their Global games?

    I realize it’s silly to give up 5 IPC, but has anyone played as the Axis and captured France but ignored Normandy and Southern France? Because technically if you never captured them as the Axis then they would remain French, thus the Allies could never land there and “capture” the factories, giving them that foothold in Europe. You’re also denying the Allies that future 5 IPC. You may not be getting that 5 IPC for G2-4, but it’s offset somewhat by the cost of any units you would lose taking those two territories (which I realize isn’t a lot, but it does factor in).

    You could either leave the French units or strafe them with aircraft and 1-2 infantry and retreat (risky because you could either take the territory accidentally or lose planes).

  • @zanetheinsane:

    I always found that silly, because nobody ever liberates France. Even the NO for North America isn’t worth it, because if you have say Normandy, Southern France as America (which is very easy to do), you already have 5 IPCs and the minor factories.

    Liberate France and you’re not really gaining any IPC, you lose those factories as America, and you give Germany or Italy a good chance at grabbing France’s IPCs with a recapture.

    Not sure there’s really a good upside there because you can possibly also have the three French territories in N.Africa very easily for another 3 IPC. At that point you would just be losing IPC, even with the NO.

    I do like the France Troop Bonus but 12 IPCs worth of troops really might not be a big enough incentive. Does anyone liberate France in their Global games?

    I realize it’s silly to give up 5 IPC, but has anyone played as the Axis and captured France but ignored Normandy and Southern France? Because technically if you never captured them as the Axis then they would remain French, thus the Allies could never land there and “capture” the factories, giving them that foothold in Europe. You’re also denying the Allies that future 5 IPC. You may not be getting that 5 IPC for G2-4, but it’s offset somewhat by the cost of any units you would lose taking those two territories (which I realize isn’t a lot, but it does factor in).

    You could either leave the French units or strafe them with aircraft and 1-2 infantry and retreat (risky because you could either take the territory accidentally or lose planes).

    I don´t think this is a good move. I´ve once ignored normandy, leaved holland empty, he moved 1 french inf into holland, i attacked it with 2 tanks. the inf hit TWICE my tanks DID NOT HIT AT ALL  :x

    The allies do not get the factories, but a free foothold without having to fight for it.

  • TripleA

    Almost 210 pages of FAQ… That is pretty funny.

    On the bright side, every group I played fortress america with had a different interpretation of the rules. At least axis and allies is not there yet, LOL.

  • @Cow:

    Almost 210 pages of FAQ… That is pretty funny.

    and 3133 replies…

  • TripleA

    alpha latest ruleset

    japanese have an infantry in java.
    japanese have a transport in sz37.
    australia have 1 sub in sz42 surrounding java.

    japanese want to load  the infantry on the transport.

    can japanese load them up in combat?
    can japanese load them up in non combat?
    does the transport need a warship as an escort?
    are there any other rules or operations that need to be followed?

    thanks for the answers.

  • @allweneedislove:

    alpha latest ruleset

    japanese have an infantry in java.
    japanese have a transport in sz37.
    australia have 1 sub in sz42 surrounding java.

    japanese want to load  the infantry on the transport.

    can japanese load them up in combat?


    can japanese load them up in non combat?


    does the transport need a warship as an escort?


    are there any other rules or operations that need to be followed?


    thanks for the answers.


  • The ONLY time a defending sub causes a problem for transports is when they are in the sea zone where the transport wants to conduct an amphibious assault (unload in a combat move).  This is why picking up the unit in Java is no problem.

  • TripleA

    thanks for your knowledge, dedication, and quick reply gamerman.

  • @allweneedislove:

    thanks for your knowledge, dedication, and quick reply gamerman.

    Anytime allweneed - just doing what I enjoy

  • '22 '16

    Germany parks a sub in SZ 110 on their turn with no UK destroyer present.  UK builds a Destroyer on their turn in 110.  On Germany’s next turn does the sub have the option of moving out of that sea zone?  Thanks!

  • @majikforce:

    Germany parks a sub in SZ 110 on their turn with no UK destroyer present.�  UK builds a Destroyer on their turn in 110.�  On Germany’s next turn does the sub have the option of moving out of that sea zone?�  Thanks!

    Yes.  It must move out in the combat movement phase, even if it does not move into combat.  It is one of the instances where a combat move does not have to result in combat (when enemy units are sharing your zone at the beginning of your turn - to escape combat)

    If you do NOT move out in the COMBAT MOVEMENT phase, you must conduct combat.

    See top of page 13

  • '22 '16

    Thanks Gamerman!  I don’t care what everyone says you are the BEST!

  • TripleA

    In the re-release is the setup exactly like A3?

    Russia needs to start with a bomber for this game.

  • Global noob question #66
    Once VC conditions are met on one side (Europe or Pacific) at the end of a round, the game is over period, correct?

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