Advice to Renegade! What is on your top 10 for adjustments to G40 3rd edition?

  • @black_elk I think the way to do Italy justice is to just have a full-blown “Axis & Allies: North Africa” in the vein of the D-Day game.

    You could have German reinforcements come in waves sorta like D-Day, but more or less run the rest of the mechanics like A&A but with a cap on the number of rounds.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    So the first time I ever saw the Axis & Allies boardgame was in elementary school, on a rainy day in the 5th grade.

    I believe the rationale was that the game was cool for kids who liked history or math, but I was fairly terrible at math, so the way we used the materials was essentially like very tiny plastic army men with the map as a battlefield.

    Like I’m sure it was missing plenty of pieces, and I’m certain I didn’t know the rules. My reading comprehension at that time would not have allowed me to make sense of the rulebook anyway, but it was still eye catching and a good first introduction. The problem of course, was that the game took up a lot of space, so you really couldn’t just leave it out, and recess was what like tops an hour for lunch? Probably less. So even if it came out on a rainy day, it always had to go back in the box hehe.

    I tried something like this again, not too long ago, with my ex-gf’s kid. Basically I got him into the A&A 1942 game at age 8.

    That’s 4 years younger than the recommended “12 and up” age range, but it completely worked. Again taking the plastic army men approach to the initial gameplay. Axis and Allies plastic army men were actually cheaper pound for pound, than the standard 1:32 plastic army men toys, or rather you could get a lot more stuff with a single purchase at a similar dollar amount. I think I picked up 1942 for like 24.99 on sale at Target, which gave him about 100 more sculpts and a world battleboard, compared to a similarly priced large bucket of 1:32 dudes with the standard issue plastic playmat.

    It was a nicer presentation too, with a cool looking box to keep stuff tidy, dice and roundels and other things you wouldn’t get with the bucket. Plus the appeal of “a game” and one that ostensibly teaches a bit of history and math while you’re at it. So I’ve always viewed A&A with that mindset. That it’s basically miniature plastic army men, but with simple rules to decide who wins/loses a battle using dice. Kids can get into that.

    I think they could do the same stackable gamemap with raisers idea mentioned on the previous page, without needing to go full magneto board for that. Cardboard works fine actually, too keep it affordable, provided there are no folds.

    The key is to divide the map into smaller rigid cardboard panels that can be moved separately one at a time.

    Whatever the max size the box allows, make the rigid panels that large. The 1942 gamemap is 26x40" so for that game call it 4 rigid panels at like 13x20" in a box about that large, that can lay out side by side while playing, but also stack into a more compact space with the units still in place when “put away.”

    Maybe a game like G40 has 8 rigid panels instead of 4 for the larger gameboard. You get the idea. As long as the mapboard doesn’t have folds it works. Folds are where the wear and tear tends to happen. Kid folds it the wrong direction, the board bends or rips, the game can’t be moved without a large support/backing and masterful balance. Do it in 4 separate smaller panels instead and those probs go away, plus it probably just looks cool. Like “oh yeah, should have been doing that all along!” heheh

  • @black_elk said in Advice to Renegade! What is on your top 10 for adjustments to G40 3rd edition?:

    I tend to agree with most of the points Janus is making about streamlining the game. I think the prob comes from low-balling the money and trying to keep those numbers so low, instead of just amping the production a bit.

    After reading the thread saying “infantry should cost 3.2!” this idea popped into my head: increase the IPC values and unit costs by 10x except for infantry – which would then cost 32.

    In that same vein, I think if you want to have a game with more and more unit types, they should look at doing a move to d10 (as was done with Napoleon’s Imperium.) Having infantry at A1|D3 on a d10 might help negate the IPM.

  • @the-janus said in Advice to Renegade! What is on your top 10 for adjustments to G40 3rd edition?:

    they should look at doing a move to d10

    Yea a D 10 or a D12 would really open it up. Would help with Bmbrs being overpowered on their SBR Air Battle as well.

  • @black_elk said in Advice to Renegade! What is on your top 10 for adjustments to G40 3rd edition?:

    ut also stack into a more compact space with the units still in place when “put away.”

    yea could have 3D A&A then. Subs on the bottom. Ships n Dudes on the 2nd and Air on the 3rd lol

    I guess you could have cash and charts on the bottom then move on up with 4 ha ha ha

  • @barnee said in Advice to Renegade! What is on your top 10 for adjustments to G40 3rd edition?:

    @the-janus said in Advice to Renegade! What is on your top 10 for adjustments to G40 3rd edition?:

    they should look at doing a move to d10

    Yea a D 10 or a D12 would really open it up. Would help with Bmbrs being overpowered on their SBR Air Battle as well.

    Hey now your talking my area !

  • Bump the price up 10 bucks. Put a set of battle dice in (3 ones, 6 twos, 6 threes, and 3 fours should be enough). Drop the “time to play” by 2-3 hours. Boom.

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '19 '18

    Do away with defenseless transports! Bring back sub rules from classic.

  • Add new units:
    -minor aircraft carriers
    -Self-Propelled Artillery (Hummel, Sexton, Katyusha, M7 Priest)
    -Heavy Tanks
    -Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns
    -A&A Europe 1940 French original force units, Richelieu class, Dunkerque battlecruiser, Fantastique destroyer, Suffren class HC. Renault tanks, Heavy tank ARL44 and so on.
    -Add 5 French infantry as Foreign Legion model for Africa continent
    -Fortifications (Bunkers, Mines, Hedgehogs, Barbwire, coastal guns)
    -Resources and Supplies
    -Generals with unique abilities
    -Battle dices blank with 1/2/3/4 hits
    Stuff which will make game faster.

  • My only two major suggestions I would like to see in a 3rd addition to the game would be some new unit looks on the game board. Especially when talking about the french. I personally will new say that I have enough units in my collection lol. But I definitely have way more Iowa battleships and wasp ACs that I would ever need. So maybe something different to bring some excitement when making the big purchase. Also maybe overhaul the rules around neutral countries. Maybe find a insensitive to bring larger neutrals into the war as co- belligerence. Ie. Spain, Turkey, and south American Nations. More so as an option to players. Giving them the original rules if they don’t want the complexity. Overall I like the mechanics of the gameplay already. I find it easy to add house rules and new units to the game without breaking gameplay and Overcomplicating it. That’s where I think a lot of us love the game. Because we can customize it our way. Lastly( I know I said only 2 things lol) AAA. Just let them fight ground units while defending after they do their special defense. I just can’t see myself as a commander in combat telling my troop to forget the AAguns because the enemy has no aircraft lol. Hell no, use every gun available to repel the enemy!!!

  • @maximumjdam said in Advice to Renegade! What is on your top 10 for adjustments to G40 3rd edition?:

    So maybe something different to bring some excitement when making the big purchase.

    yea I would think cool looking units are a major purchase driver :)

  • This post is deleted!
  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    Some visuals for ideas. A map redraft for G40 would be cool I think.


    In that one I added Aden to Br. Somaliland. Sakhalin with a false connection between Japan/USSR on that border. Basra Qatar and Trucial coast I thought could just be added to part of E. Persia’s tile, like if trying to keep all the same game tiles without actually adding new ones. Falklands to Brazil as Pro Allies sorta works that way as well. Like still on the team at least. I mean without having to change the defined connections, but just cosmetically to flesh it out. I put Sierra Leone in the mix since that got the nod, added the Ascension Islands to it. Azores to Gibraltar maybe? (bit of an anachronism but seemed reasonable) or stuff like that where it wouldn’t effect the gameplay per se, but just adds more zone and spots for the bombers to land I guess lol.

    screen 1.png

    Mats and markers for Purchase or DOW aids might be cool. Or similarly, one to track Objectives or VCs or Tech Advances more conveniently. Sorta like these screens, but a physical version, maybe all on a single large sheet so it’s handy. Income Counter same deal, separated from the map would be my preference.

    screen 2.png

    purchase screen.png

    screen 3.png

    I also still enjoy Revised and the older boards from time to time. It’d be cool to see optional rules in the new manuals to bring them in line with the newer ones. Like the cost of tanks or how AAguns work maybe. Something in that direction. Still a fan of the digital angle too, clearly hehe.

    It’d be cool to see a bunch of boards bundled together that way, especially the smaller tactical boards, so we could have different campaigns launching from the same spot. That would be fun.

    A digital version with a way to customize the look or general vibe is something I’d be interested in for sure, since tastes vary so widely. Anyhow just quick heavy bomber. I’ll be excited to see what they cook up.



  • @black_elk good thoughts BE!

  • Using the molds from 1941 and adding a few new ones, Technology must be mandatory part of the game.

    Heavy Tanks
    Light Carriers or “escorts”
    Battle-cruisers 4-4-2 one hit ships
    Heavy Bombers
    Fortifications ( Seigfried, Maginot, Gibrater, Liege, etc)

    Map should be roll up Neoprene or Vinyl 72x36

    Dry eraser IPC board

    Plastic tray with 3 removable compartments (land sea, air)

    Battleboard on the map

    Neutrals have dynamic forces and IPC values and they can be influenced, Also Brazil is not allied to USA!

    Add Azores, Mauritania

    Allow invasions and fighting in Antarctica as per HBG “UFO business”

  • I’ve gotta admit, I’m genuinely baffled by the constant suggestion to add more and more unit types.

    Especially when you get to the point of suggestions being literally just [(adjective) (unit that already exists)]

    Like… submarines have a niche, destroyers have a job, cruisers have a job (i.e. being battleships, except cheap enough to actually purchase), carriers have a job – What are all these added unit types going to do, that would make them worthwhile? Furthermore, if you don’t perfectly balance them, you’re going to end up with the IPM problem, where there’s one correct purchase and everything else is just a bunch of useless cruft/chrome.

    If anything the closest I would go in that direction is to make the same types of units weaker/stronger/cheaper/different (i.e. unique abilities) depending on the country – and not all units need to be available to all countries, necessarily! The utility of having units function the same from one power to another is so that you can learn the game one power at a time, and the lessons all carry over.

    I’m not unwilling to sacrifice that quality of life design (particularly for such an advanced game as G40) and I think it could be really interesting. Maybe some countries just fart out submarines that are basically just bath tubs, maybe another country can do the same with tanks. Particularly if you’re keeping to d6, you can’t just go cramming in half a dozen new unit types, especially if they don’t have a job to do.

  • If anything the closest I would go in that direction is to make the same types of units weaker/stronger/cheaper/different (i.e. unique abilities) depending on the country – and not all units need to be available to all countries, necessarily! The utility of having units function the same from one power to another is so that you can learn the game one power at a time, and the lessons all carry over.

    That would be monumental! Great innovation!

  • @crockett36 said in Advice to Renegade! What is on your top 10 for adjustments to G40 3rd edition?:

    That would be monumental! Great innovation!

    Appreciate it!

    Perfect example would be something like paratroopers, or marines – those could just be infantry + special abilities.

    • Maybe not all countries can use paratroopers
    • Maybe some countries can transport paratroopers using tactical bombers in addition to strategic bombers; maybe some countries can ship 2 paratroopers per bomber, but others can only ship 1
    • Maybe certain countries have infantry attack at 2/3/(first strike) in amphibious assaults (I swear this was a national advantage in at least one version, for the US) – which might actually incentivize them to attack islands.

    You could even do things like, certain countries have 2-hit battleships, some have 2-hit / self-repairing, and some have 1-hit battleships. You could adjust the cost as much as you want (up or down) and then you obviate the need for any kind of cruiser class, potentially. Or just say only certain countries can make the really chonky battleships, and everything else is a (de-facto) cruiser. Maybe certain countries have carriers that hold more planes than others; maybe some countries can have their destroyers carry one plane, while others can carry one infantry. Be creative!

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    It’s definitely a fair point. The unit bloat thing. Here’s an amusing example… shows a standard roster, then tech advances, then expansion type unit concepts I’ve seen floated. This set is generic based on Frostion’s with some additions I added, but gives a quick impression. Cause like many different graphics are required, just to handle the same unit, but in a different state of play. With physical sculpts you’d chip it or flip it, but for the digital version gives an idea of how things start to compound pretty quickly hehe.

    expanded set.png

    I think another alternative to having multiple unit types, is to have cosmetic alts, which could be used in that way, but which could also just service the regular play. This is basically what we get when they vary the sculpts (like what equipment they use for the molds) for units in the smaller boards or satellite games. Or then just a cursory look at HBG shows that there’s probably a demand for something along those lines. So basically instead of paratroopers or marines as a set unit, you just have a handful of sculpts within the infantry box that could be used for these different concepts.

    Or same deal for fighter aircraft or artillery or tanks or ship types. I don’t know, say for every dozen regular units you get a couple specialty alts of the same basic sort but a different riff. Very similar to the way they sell the plastic army men as toys. You know with a bazooka dude, and a paratrooper looking dude, an officer with a sidearm, that sort of deal. Basically a grab bag approach, in terms of what they include, but where each alt fits a certain niche that could be expanded. Or not, depending on how into that the player is lol. Since the equipment types Nation to Nation already feature pretty different looking sculpts, it’s not that big of a stretch to imagine the standard unit boxes having a few variants, but still using the same hue for their tints. Probably the expense goes up with more molds, but still, it would provide a lot of options for a look and feel vibe, without necessarily needing a ton of extra unit interactions or new rules per se.

  • @black_elk said in Advice to Renegade! What is on your top 10 for adjustments to G40 3rd edition?:

    an officer with a sidearm

    my brother and I always called him John Wayne lol

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







