@dawgoneit Okay perfect. What is your dice email? Then I will send you G1!
Post League Game Results Here
@simon33 (allies) won over nikola1975 (axis), PTV L22.
I thought if you take Moscow and India, you are very close to winning. Unfortunately, Simon proved too tough even with that, even with Japan’s income 90+ for some time. I tried to be aggressive, maybe it was still not enough.
Ghostglider over simon33 (Allies+16) BM3
L22 BM3 aagamerz13 (X) vs AetV (L+22) game 3
aagamerz13 over AetVhttps://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/38820/l22-bm3-aagamerz13-x-vs-aetv-l-22-game-3/108
Playoff game
Good luck in your next game against either sovietish or Simon
oysteilo (X) vs. aequitas-et-veritas (A+20) BM
Oysteilo over AetVhttps://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/38185/oysteilo-x-vs-aequitas-et-veritas-a-20-bm/107
I encourage you all to recalculate your points in the standings.
I don’t think I make many mistakes, but I’m sure I make some.
Just let me know if you think there’s a mistake and I’ll look into it -Thanks,
Gamerman -
aagamer13 over giallo(+22) game 4 bm4
pejon88L+20 over aagamer13x bm4 game1
TinCanoftheSea +19 Allies -VS- dawgoneit Axis OOB Playoff
TinCanoftheSea +19 Allies Wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/category/16/play-boardgames -
Tin can wins the bracket! Congratulations!
You are immortalized in the league history annals.
League -> League history
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/8161/league-history -
Congratulations TinCan! Also to Dawgoneit for having reached the final!
Thank you Martin
@gamerman01 @Martin Thank you, it was a very good game
elche over giallo(+22) bm4 game 1
nikola x+5 over aagamerz13 ptv game 3 https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39224/ptv-l22-aagamerz13-allies-vs-nikola1975-axis-5-game-3/101?page=5
L22 PtV max334 (Axis+7) vs FlyingBadger (Allies)
@max334 over FlyingBadger
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/38322/l22-ptv-max334-axis-7-vs-flyingbadger-allies -
L22 elche (x) vs Gamerman01 (+18) BM4
Gamerman over elchehttps://www.axisandallies.org/forums/assets/uploads/files/1659264180568-39186-set-up.tsvg
Ghostglider (Allies+16) over simon33 (Axis) BM4
Simon33 (allies) won over Nikola1975 (axis+10)
PtV 2022 -
Pejon_88 (Axis) vs Elche (Allies+20), BM4
Pejon_99 over elche
Oh, sorry Pejon_88