Global 1942 with General 6 Stars advanced game.

  • @general-6-stars I would like to see the changes at your convenience!😁

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Changes added to setup.

    Add 1 Tac Bomber to Russia.
    Add 1 AAA gun to Karelia.
    Russia’s income is now 25.

    Add 1 Tac Bomber to Germany.
    Add 1 Tac Bomber to Northwestern Europe.
    Add 1 Tac Bomber to Norway.
    Move Stg Bomber from Germany to Ukraine.
    Remove 1 sub from sz 5.
    Germany’s income is now 45.

    Add 1 Tac Bomber to London.
    Add 2 Inf to India.
    Add 1 Inf to Egypt.
    Add 1 Destroyer to sz 7.
    Move Cruiser from sz 14 to sz 13.
    Add 1 Tac Bomber to Carrier in sz 35.
    UK’s income is now 40.

    Add 1 Tac Bomber to Japan.
    Add 1 Tac Bomber to Carrier in sz 37.
    Move fig from carrier to East Indies Island.
    Add 1 Tac Bomber to Carrier in sz 50.
    Japan’s income is now 35.

    Add 1 Tac Bomber to Western USA.
    Add 1 Tac Bomber to Hawaii.
    Add 1 Tac Bomber to carrier in sz 53.
    USA’s income is now 50.

    Replace all US infantry with China Inf now.
    Add 1 Inf to Yunnan.
    Add 4 Inf to Szechwan.
    Add 1 Inf to Anhwei.
    Add 3 Inf to Sinkiang.
    China;s income is 3 Inf per turn if control Szechwan.

    Ok will see how this goes with other stuff added to game.
    Maybe some 42 players can try setup only on the oob 42 map and see what happens. Keep in mind a few of these tweaks are based on Tac’s getting a pic shot first round, figs dogfighting during ground and naval combats, cruisers getting choose between a ship or plane shot, Chungking a victory city, A 1 move only in Asia and Siberia and Russian Siberian railway. There is also a victory city in Kras. Make Japan earn there Stuff. Russian lend lease per turn.
    The goal is to have both sides need each other for win.

    Time to play test.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Here’s the map with changes and maybe having air bases where you can scramble 1 fig to a naval battle with sea zone next to base and 1 fig from each air base to a ground battle.

    Rays1942 2nd edition with air bases 4.1(3).png

    I made China territories, moved money to West USA worth 12, increased Szechwan worth 2, the 2 Dutch islands from 4 to 3, New Guinea and Solomon islands from 2 to 1, made Japan worth 8. Malaya from 1 to 2. Still have to add Siberian Railroad, 1 move icons for Asia and Siberia, lend lease placement boxes, and change piece values again on chart in corner.
    Map shows the new Victory cities added. Tunis, Stalingrad, Singapore, Chungking, Krasnoyarsk and Anchorage.
    Axis needs to control 12 cities for win.

    Of course these may change.

  • @general-6-stars Nice. I will need to play with some of these ideas…

  • One thing not added to setup is place 1 Paratrooper each in the 4 main capitals but not Moscow. This is only based on Russia has no Bomber on setup.

    Also if you transport the paratrooper in combat the bomber only gets a move of 4 and not 6.
    As for non combat I guess we could add that but still a move of 4 if you didn’t use bomber in combat.

    Your AAA guns now defend @2. If planes attacking, your AAA gun would do the normal plane shot and then on first round of combat would not get a defend of @2. But on 2nd round of combat etc. your AAA guns would defend @2. If no planes attacking then your AAA gun would defend @2 on first round of combat and etc.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    No Limit. Here’s the setup with changes.

    CB1573A8-A811-4F4B-89C8-733A8CC175A3.jpeg C81AEC6F-DE06-437C-B89A-BFCA351E3D44.jpeg

    I still need to manually make tokens for value changes I made yet but China is there. Schezwan is worth 2.

    I just played turn 1 Ussr and Germany so far and that scramble 1 fig from an airbase is sweet
    Plus the figs get to dog fight too same time.
    And Russia got to pick a tank in one battle first round based on Tac can pick target first round only. More to come.

  • @general-6-stars I think the game would benefit with some convoy disruption rules. like laying tokens in certain sea zones and rolling per surface ship, etc…

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    I did have convoy circles on map.
    I’ll post the map with them tomorrow.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Going to add convoy boxes.
    Will put on map along with air bases.

    Thinking to keep it simple each box worth 2 or 3 icps. Any ship can convoy raid.
    As far as planes doing convoy raiding is only on the back burner for ideas. Looking at Tac bombers only can convoy raid. Place Tac in convoy box. Country being raided pays right away 2 or 3 icps from there income to the bank.

    Another change to map is the sea zone border for 14 and 15 is gonna be moved through the island so Uk unit’s from Egypt can hit Tunis victory city.

    You need to control the island inside sea zone with convoy box to do damage and control 1 territory touching sea zone with convoy box.
    Some sea zones maybe just a zone with a convoy box. Still can damage. The countries names will be written down with a box.

    Will post map updates and piece values in a day or 2.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    OK. This is what I’m going with for now. Map has air bases and convoy zones. Any time there’s an enemy ship ( 1 only ) in a sea zone with a convoy box it does 3 damage and move income tracker token down.

    I’m also looking at but not sure yet is tac bombers can do convoy raiding too. Place the tac bomber on convoy box your raiding in combat and automatically that country has to pay 3 icps to bank. Then in non combat land your tac bomber.

    Rays 1942 2nd edition final print copy 4.1.png

    Time to play test.

  • @general-6-stars Germany didnt trade with anybody by water except Sweden. I would put that in sea zone 3, not 6. Who did Germany trade with via the north sea?

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    The convoy in sz6 is for Sweden ore transports during non winter. So you want it to sz3. Making UK go out and get it then. I can move it to sz3.

  • @general-6-stars Just consider the route that Germany would transport pig iron from sweden and how direct it would be to go to Germany

  • Ya. I moved it to sz 3

  • @general-6-stars I dont think National Okrung should have one, its too marginal

  • @imperious-leader said in Global 1942 with General 6 Stars advanced game.:

    @general-6-stars I dont think National Okrung should have one, its too marginal

    If your referring to air base it’s there based on lend lease where figs landed from Alaska.

  • @general-6-stars
    Following. Looks awesome!

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    OK. I think this is it for map for now. AB added, convoy boxes and lend lease chart with box locations. The motorized 1 move dash border with motorize 1 move only arrows.
    Calm down. Japan can still gets tanks to Moscow turn 4. ( Killin me ) !
    I would like to add the Burma road with the Hump so UK could send 1 Art or Inf across hump
    to Yunnan if open and then to Chunking if territories are china controlled.

    Rays 1942 2nd edition final print copy 4.1.png

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    OK. Did a turn 1. Just starting to test. But with added stuff and piece changes and what few can do made turn 1 very interesting. A ton of little stuff happened.
    Convoy raided German ore.
    Took West Russia and had a stack In Karelia. Didn’t do so good on defense Germany brought 5 planes but no aa kills. That hurt a bit. Lost Leningrad. Russia got a artillery for lend lease. Placed in Archangel. Persia will be a good spot as war goes on. Then stacked Stalingrad.
    Attacked Leningrad. Took that. 2 subs and a fig attacked UK fleet. Epic. UK scramble 1 fig due to rule for AB. BB survived damaged and UK took out a sub based on UK destroyer present and also got a bonus dog fight plane kill too.
    So Germany lost 2 subs and the fig.
    UK had a damaged BB and a transport. The tranny did not get a plane hit on 3 defense rolls.
    Attacked UK Cruiser with Tac and fig and UK Cruiser got a plane kill as it sunk.
    Stacked Libya and bought a fig and navy to protect trannys. Gonna be interesting to see how Germany’s gonna have to take Cairo and hold Tunis.
    Drop paratrooper in Norway. Just stack
    London see. Took pacific island and attacked japan fleet off of East Indies. Did have the Cruiser pic the BB for ship kill instead of plane kill. Since japan had 1 Tac and 1 fig and didn’t matter based on defender choose plane.
    India no threat yet.
    Convoy raided US and attacked China. Got 2 territories but China got 1 back and is stacking the Chungking. Moved ships back home for shore shots and a japan paratrooper landed In Yunnan.
    Not much do do. Took Solomon’s and raided a japan convoy box. Bought a factory For Hawaii.
    Hard for US to get going but that’s the norm.

    Changes I’m making for next game are IC cost 12, transports cost 7.
    Will see what happens with this.
    So below will be the after turn 1 pics.

    Since I did play like 3 turns of normal oob 42 game and setup this advance change and other stuff is way better. Just gives you so much more small stuff you can do. Of course gotta test and will see if there’s any victory city changes and etc. on the map is 4 Russian yellow squared boxes for lend lease placement and tokens with squares in sea zones and tokens only are the convoy boxes. It’s a flat out -3 icps for production on chart. But keep in mind your Tac bombers can convoy raid a box in combat and country loses 3 icps from there income and must go to the bank.
    Will see if this is to strong for allies.
    Be cool if Germany had a few Tacs hitting convoys in Atlantic.
    Granted I maybe playing somethings wrong but it is what it is. Will have more players to help also to see way more different stuff. I think this is gonna be a awesome game. But just me.

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  • @general-6-stars said in Global 1942 with General 6 Stars advanced game.:

    Be cool if Germany had a few Tacs hitting convoys in Atlantic.

    yea that’d be sweet

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