[Global 1940] Breakthroughs as Purchasable Units

  • Does anyone have house rules where breakthrough achivements “unlock” purchasable units rather than upgrading all units? For example, if you start the game with the standard Fighter units and at some point you unlock Jet Fighters. Now instead of all your Fighters becoming Jets you can purchase both Fighters and Jet Fighters in your next Purchase & Repair Phase. Fighters have the same cost and attributes and Jet Fighters have the boosted attack and escort/intercept values but you pay a premium for the Jets e.g. 15 IPC vs 10 for the standard Fighter. We don’t play this way but in a Reddit thread someone mentioned the old PC game Panzer General and I was thinking of how over time new weapons become available but they don’t replace they older ones; you have a choice of what to purchase.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Hi @Rosco

    Welcome to the site. I’m not sure what game(s) you play but @The-Captain has a HouseRule mod for the Global 40 game that does.


  • 2024 '23 '22 '21

    The Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion (AKA Global 1940 Expansion) includes most of the WWII Historical Combat Units.

    Those combat units are purchasable according to a TimeTable that reflects the Historical Timeline for the developement and production of each unit.

    Among those purchasable units are:

    • Soviet Guard Infantry units
    • Waffen-SS Infantry units
    • Waffen-SS Panzer units
    • Heavy Bomber units
    • Paratrooper units
    • FLAK Tower units
    • Combat Engineer units
    • German Me 262 Jetfighter units
    • German Type XXI U-Boat units
    • US Liberty Transport units (Heavy Transporter)
    • Soviet Katyusha Rocket units

    …and much more…

    We have attached the Me 262 Jetfighter rules here:
    Me 262.pdf

    The Global 1940 Expansion is compatible with most Axis & Allies games, with some modifications needed for each game.


  • @Rosco

    Hello Rosco and welcome.
    As mentilned by barnee and The Captain, the Expansion house rule sets woild be the perfect match for you. It allows you to buy both units once jet fighter become available.
    I play the Expansion rule set for over a year now and can highly recommend it! I can’t go back to the standard G40 anymore. :-)

    On firdt sight the rulebook may be overwhelming, but after 2-3 rounds of 1 game the rules and gameplay become natural and opens whole new universe of options and fun.

    I would be glad to play a game of this ruleset against you to give you a taste of this awesome game.

    Feel free to contact me if you are up for a game.


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