Thank you for responding and taking my ideas!
Perhaps we could do something with the morale chart where if a country goes into total war or buy some of those new units you described (perhaps it could be only limited to the units that use new technology, such as Tiger Two tanks, E-100 tanks, Type 21 U-boats or new research developments as well), the morale goes up, symbolising the public’s renewed hope in these developments.
These are some ideas for morale effects:
Higher or lower industrial production (either losing or gaining extra space in industrial complexes, or units being cheaper or more expensive)
If morale drops really low, perhaps units on the side that is affected cannot attack, have a penalty when defending, and only defend normal when defending original territories (may not apply to special units, such as fanatical Waffen SS, or elite Guards infantry, US Marines, or British Commandos, and obviously elite infantry-after all, that’s partly why they are elite units).
When morale drops extremely low (probably the lowest on the chart), there could be a possible revolution which could make the country surrender. How this works is that all of the power’s territories will no longer allow units to enter from any side. All foreign units inside these territories will have to move to the closest friendly adjacent territory (it can also be the closest friendly transport, provided that the transport is not full). The power will stay neutral for the rest of the game. Another idea is that for certain countries (or possibly all, I’m not sure about the likelihood of this happening) such as Italy or France, they can instead defect to the other side, making it a full member of the opposite side. If Italian morale has fallen so low that this happens, a German take over of Italy can happen the moment this happens, instead of having to wait for Germany’s turn (whenever the Allies capture an original Italian territory, they liberate it instead). Whichever version is used, any revolution happening will have the power return all captured territories to the respective powers on the other side.
Perhaps if morale is high, units can get an attack and defence bonus, especially on original territories.
Another idea I have is that if morale is lower than a certain level, the player can spend IPCs to make it go up again. This cannot happen after a revolution (if a power defects to the other side, they can still spend their IPCs to raise morale for continuing fighting on the side they defected to).