• Hi,

    When starting this game and looking through the forums I saw a lot of complaints about dice rolls. I didn’t think much of it as generally you always remember the unlucky battles you encounter. However im starting to get quite frustrated at this game. I have been on quite a good run as axis (not as good with the allies yet) but im finding i’m losing a lot of games lately purely down to dice rolls. In these games I have Russia fully surrounded, managing to retake France each turn to stop an industry being built so looking good generally. Doesn’t seem to matter how much I have the advantage going to finish off Russia they hit a ridiculous amount of good dice rolls and my guys seem to have left their ammunition behind.

    I’m generally finding it’s the last battle on Russia that tends to give crazy results in the defenders favour. Has anyone noticed the same thing? Feels the the dice rolls are somewhat scripted at times when a capital is at stake.



  • '21 '20

    Honestly, you’re probably getting horribly unlucky.

    In my opinion the dice make it fun. It’s a game of strategy, and the dice add another level of strategy. You have to plan on things going wrong, and account for unlucky and lucky rolls. Last 2 times I took Moscow I got lucky and my whole air force survived along with a few tanks, before that, I got diced.

  • If you are winning the game and are scared of getting diced, avoid doing a Moscow attack until the odds are ridiculously in your favor. You can head down and capture the Middle East and Egypt, allowing only a couple new units per turn for Russia. Strategic bombing helps keep down the income even more.

    Use “low luck” option if you hate playing dice games. I personally hate low luck because you can carefully calculate a battle with three infantry and a fighter always scoring a guaranteed hit on attack. That makes the game very scripted for the Axis as you know exactly what will happen for the first four rounds.

  • @ShadowHAwk There is a middle ground of house rules allowing reroll of combats. Often we would allow one reroll per side in a game. Of course you can modify this house rule any way you want, perhaps only allowing rerolls of below-average battles so you can’t reroll a low-odds desperation attack. Alternatively you can allow one battle to be rerolled as low-luck but that would allow Germany to calculate exactly how many troops they need for a successful Moscow mission.

    The best solution we found is if someone got diced and lost the game, the opponent would get the victory but the game would be continued with a negotiated resolution to the battle just to see what would have happened if the dice gods were not so evil. Allows both players to have felt like they had “won” but in different ways.

  • '18

    My friend has a horrible success rate when taking france on T1 as Germany. He has gone into the battle just about every time, with the odds being he should have all 6 tanks and extra ground units leftover, and has lost multiple times. We now have a France home rule that, should you take enough in to statistically have at least 6 tanks leftover at the end of it, but you still lose, you take france with 3 tanks left. This is purely because of this weird phenomena that overwhelming force doesn’t take France an unusual number of times… what can you do!

  • @Aaron_the_Warmonger. So much can go wrong the 1st turn for the Axis: failed attack in Paris, lost airforce in a failed Atlantic attack, scramble in the Med that goes horribly wrong, or Yunnan holds. Depending on your level of aggressiveness, there is about a 10% chance of a stinky first round as each of those battles can have a couple percent chance of messing up your game plans. The very top players often avoid this issue by being super conservative on the first round, but then have to outplay the opponent during later turns to make up for the slow start.

    I think the 1 reroll is a good balance for face-to-face games where there are usually three or four absolutely critical battles during the game and you don’t want to have “lost” an entire day by getting diced or the opponent gets diced.

  • @Jofes nothing like luck

  • @Aaron_the_Warmonger said in Dice Rolls on Russia:

    My friend has a horrible success rate when taking france on T1 as Germany. He has gone into the battle just about every time, with the odds being he should have all 6 tanks and extra ground units leftover, and has lost multiple times.

    Does your friend not use all possible ground units in the France battle? If you bring all possible ground units, not risking the tactical bomber to AA fire, the average result is 7.5 casualties for the Axis. That means of the 7 infantry, 4 mechanized infantry, 3 artillery and 6 armor brought in all of your fast movers and 2-3 artillery should survive. It’s not unusual to see all the slow movers die (10 casualties) and occasionally even some mechanized infantry die. Only once in hundreds of games have I seen France fail to be taken if everything is used in the attack. Since failing to take France on G1 is a game losing proposition I would suggest bringing the House.

  • Unless u do low luck I don’t see nothing will work. Yes this was just discussed in another thread. Basically it was figure your low luck and I suggested if number is less than half no hit and more than half it is a hit. No need to roll that final die.
    All I ever say is well dice rolls are like you either have better supplies, leadership, morale, accuracy etc. etc.
    Ya there’s times I get pissed but that’s the dice.

  • @AndrewAAGamer he brings the house, without the tactical bomber, and has lost an unusual number of times… its often the first roll of fire is very poor for germany and the French shoot back with average or better, and it snowballs from there…

  • @Aaron_the_Warmonger said in Dice Rolls on Russia:

    @AndrewAAGamer he brings the house, without the tactical bomber, and has lost an unusual number of times… its often the first roll of fire is very poor for germany and the French shoot back with average or better, and it snowballs from there…

    Thanks! That is VERY POOR dice rolling. If my diceroller is correct that is about a 1 in 900 chance of losing that battle. I suggest he play the Allies more. :)

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    @Aaron_the_Warmonger said in Dice Rolls on Russia:

    @AndrewAAGamer he brings the house, without the tactical bomber, and has lost an unusual number of times… its often the first roll of fire is very poor for germany and the French shoot back with average or better, and it snowballs from there…

    Well then he should let the France Player roll for Germany and vise versa for this very first attack on G1.

    Problem solved.

  • @aequitas-et-veritas one can always look at this situation as an opportunity for Italy to swoop in and finish off the french , meanwhile retreating german surviving tanks to Italy, to storm east on t2. If the g1 also takes south france then french navy cannot join Taranto remnants in italy, Provided italy buys t1 destroyer for west side of italy. Not so bad an alternative. Germany still ends t1 with 40+$

  • @aequitas-et-veritas said in Dice Rolls on Russia:

    Well the he should let the France Player roll for Germany and vise versa for this very first attack on G1.

    LOL! Too funny!

  • @AndrewAAGamer Ya, its atrocious, that’s why we have the Lee rule. (Lee being my friends name).

  • '21 '18 '16

    we only allow a redo for France on G1 given that you bring the usual attack. Our usual being as follows: 5 inf, 2 arty, 4 mechs, 6 tanks, and sometimes the tactical from Poland. That’s 98% success rate. The failed attack is actually called a “variance” in statistics. We call it “The Variance”. if you get it, basically we reset the game and change sides. It’s the dice gods way of telling you from the beginning that you will not win playing the Axis. It is counted as a win for the allied player tho when scoring victories in the series.

    If you get a crappy roll and get destroyed, you kind of need to use your imagination. Maybe they infiltrated your headquarters with spies or broke your codes and knew your plan, like Midway.

    Bad dice sucks but sometimes you’re the statue and sometimes you’re the bird.

    Have fun dudes.

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