If the United States has a transport in the English Channel that has just been there sitting empty with no units currently on board. Can the UK use the US Transport for bridging purposes into Holland all in one turn or do they have to board one turn and unload the next turn even though the transport is not moving?
Latest posts made by Travelman
Bridging question
USA not at war movement
When the US is not at war and is still neutral, can it move its ships into a SZ and end their turn there with other Allied naval units?
I.E. if Anzac or UK takes a money island, could the US ships from the Phillipines move into that SZ as additional support? Or could they move them down to SZ54 to pair up with an ANZAC fleet when “NOT” at war?
UK National Objectice
If Russia takes Manchuria does the UK get to count it towards their NO for “any territory originally under Japanese control” ?
Russia declaration of war
I know that Russia can attack Japan round 1 if it declares war on it, can it attack Iraq if its not at war with Germany or Italy?
Russia movement into China
Can Russia move its units or planes into China from the beginning of the game? Or are there any restrictions on that or does it negate anything else between it and Japan?
USA not at war movement
A couple more questions: When the US is not at war I understand it can’t move its ships towards Japan or Germany, BUT
1. Can it fly its Bomber over to London prior to being at war
2. Can it fly its fighter from Phillipines down to Australia
3. Can it retreat its boats from the SZ surrounding the Phillipines back towards Hawaii, India, or Australia
4. Can it land its aircraft on any of its allies territoriesthanks again
IC damage when captured
So if Germany conquers London and the IC had say 14 damage on it due to SBRs, once captured and the IC downgrades to a minor surely the damage downgrades also to the maximum of 6 at that time also or does it have to stay at 14?
Income ownership
When playing Global and specifically regarding the United Kingdom and their two economies, if the UK Pacific takes over Persia, which side receives the income? UK Pac or UK Atlantic?
Same thing in regards to if the UK Atlantic sends their transport from Egypt with their men over to take over Java which side receives the income? UK Pac or UK Atlantic?
Same thing in regards to if the UK Pacific sends transport over from India and takes over Ethiopia from Italy, which side receives the income? Uk Pac of Uk Atlantic?
Is it solely determined by which side of the map the conquered territory is on (Europe or Pacific) to determine who receives the income regardless of which UK originated armies conquer the country?
Strategic Bombing Raids
I need some clarificattion on SBRs.
If I am doing a Strategic Bombing Raid and send fighters as escorts and the enemy chooses not to send up his fighters as interceptors, then my fighters just basically don’t do anything?
Furthermore, and just to make sure that I also understand
1. My fighters can’t be used for anything else that turn
2. Those fighters are not shot at by the IC internal AA guns, only the bombers are subject to that
3. If by chance he had flown his fighters up to intercept all fighters (assuming that we each had 3 fighters) are shooting at each other only and not at the bombers at a dice roll of “1”
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