@dawgoneit I changed 114, ok?
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from 114 Sea Zone: 1 cruiser
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Western Germany: 1 tactical_bomber
Post League Game Results Here
OwenToo (Allies) over Caesar’s Gaul (Allies- Bid 8) 2nd Edition
Post by the winner (OwenToo) at the request of the loser (Caesar’s Gaul)
The Allied bid was 8
Wow- I messed that up. OwenToo was Axis for that game.
Wow- I messed that up. OwenToo was Axis for that game.
No problem - thank you for pointing that out, and congratulations!
majikforce (X) over Sovietishcat (L) G40 sec ed no bid.
Jdown (Axis) defeats BSD (Allies) in BM3
Jww (axis) against Amon (allies)
RE: https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=42433.0
–18L BM3 ArtofWar1947 (Axis+3) vs. Axis Dominion (Allies)Axis Dominion over ArtofWar
Well done, especially in light of losing Russia.
RE: https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=42433.0
–18L BM3 ArtofWar1947 (Axis+3) vs. Axis Dominion (Allies)Axis Dominion over ArtofWar
Well done, especially in light of losing Russia.
that was quite a good game, art! took it to 39 rounds, and G had 49 figs, 7 tacs, and 11 bombers lol. just crazy.
Me1945 (Axis) vs. axis-dominion BM3
AD wins.https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=42012.120
L18 OwenToo (Axis) -over- Ichabod (Allies) BM3
Weddingsinger (Allies) over max334(Axis)
Simon over giallo(allies) bm
Jdown (Axis) defeats BSD (Allies) in BM3
Jup complains about this nickname being misspelled:D
bsd over axis-dom
bsd over axis-dom
hold off on recording this result, actually. I’m gonna try a desperate naval US/UK naval strike just in case I get really lucky.
Odonis over Giallo(allies) bm3
Mr. Roboto (Axis +2) over Shin Ji again
bsd over axis-dom
hold off on recording this result, actually. I’m gonna try a desperate naval US/UK naval strike just in case I get really lucky.
Which he did:D
18L G40 Talleyrand19 (Axis) over max334 (Allies +22)