• So here is the scenario.  Playing AA50 (42 version, for a change).  Japan has been slowed, UK has a factory in India and is defending it well.  UK saving some IPC’s for a decent fleet to be introduced in the UK.  The US has taken Gibraltar back and has a nice fleet there with a chain of transports ready to start the shuck.  Germany has three bombers already and hits heavies on a tech roll.  In comes 3 German bombers and 3 fighters, totally wipes out my US fleet, saving all 3 bombers.  3 turns later Russia has fallen with one bomber hitting each of the Caucasus and Moscow for 7 & 8 damage and no way to defend itself.  I hate losing to luck of the die.

    Just venting,

  • Hehe, hey Scamp!  In my current game we both have heavies with Germany and US and both countries are strong.  I don’t think the game will end any time soon (in round 10, have about 12 hours in already!!) because we can now annihilate each other’s fleets.
    One of the best defenses against heavy bombers is to get them yourself.  At least they’re “only” 2 dice now instead of 3 like in the good 'ol days! 
    Russia should have defense - it’s called “rolling a 1”.  Another thing, heavies aren’t as devastating as they used to be because the max damage a TT can take is double the IPC value.
    Could be worse - Moscow could have been hit for 12!!
    You know, your opponent did have to take the chance of paying for tech - he just got rewarded for taking the risk.
    Always tough to be on the receiving end.  Some day you will be the one with the heavies (unless you never roll for tech!!).  You’d better hope he doesn’t get Long range!
    Right now my opponent has heavies for Germany.  But my America has Improved shipyards, super submarines, long range aircraft, radar, jet fighters, and heavy bombers.  Now if I can just get paratroopers.  Then I would have Long Range Heavy Bombers that can carry infantry.  Holy cow.

  • Luck is an important feature of game like Axis and Allies

    Although techs are unpredictable, you already agreed playing with them, so you shouldn’t complain :)


  • Not complaining Robert, ‘venting’.  I have posted another thread regarding the fact that I like playing with tech because it changes every game and every battle.  Makes each game new and refreshing, especially with 12 techs!!  I have seen paratroopers in Russia be put to the best possible use and it was amazing, again though, it was my opponent that had it  :-D

    In short, no complaining, just thought I would use the boards to vent and share my bad luck story, for your amusement  :-)

  • Lol very well said Scamp.  No one plays A&A for long without feeling the need to vent!!!  We all get hammered by dice much more often than we’d like!

    I read about the new A&A that will be marketed to the masses this fall.  It has no tech!  LOL!  A&A without tech is not A&A, IMHO.

    It seems like in about 50% of my games USA ends up with all 6 on chart 2.

    And if Germany gets mech. infantry at a key time (round 3 or 4) it’s pretty much game over. 
    Like he said - helps make every game different.

  • If you play with tech, I would suggest using the optional fighter escort rule that will lower the deadliness of Heavy Bombers a little bit.  Then, the allies might have been able to slow the bombing campaign against Russia enough to hang in the game…

    As for your fleet… well that happens in tech games when you can get instant tech.  I like the LHTR version of Revised when tech took effect at the end of your turn… sure did diminish the Yahtzee HB roll to win the game that was such a major flaw in Classic (when HB’s could roll 3 dice!)

  • Long-range, Paratrooper and Mechanized are tech that could be deadly at the right moment. The other techs are just fun :D

  • Raise cost of bomber to 18 icp’s or do what we do. When we played revise game bought dice 5 icp rolled dice 1 - 6 If you rolled number you got but if you rolled same number on next try nothing. we also use 12 sided dice and space out tech for everyother number 1= super subs 2=nothing 3=heavyfighters 4= nothing like that. change it so its a little harder to get.

  • Heavy bombers kills fleets.


    Fleet HP are expensive with 6pts being the cheapest available. Which however offers no defense vs aircraft.

    Put it this way, jet fighters gives +1 dice roll on def.
    Super sub gives +1 attack dice.

    Neither gives double dice!

    Why is heavy bomber any different?

    I think heavy tech should just give +1 dice roll modifier on attack or double dice is just on strategic bombing. (at least strategic bombing has countering techs as an option!)

  • Good points, Bel.  At least heavies aren’t 3 dice like in the old days!  You think 2 dice is crazy, but it’s actually quite reasonable by comparison.

  • @gamerman01:

    Good points, Bel.  At least heavies aren’t 3 dice like in the old days!  You think 2 dice is crazy, but it’s actually quite reasonable by comparison.

    Perhaps if bombers still cost $15, then I would agree.
    With HB tech, you can crank out $6 bombers (1 bomber @$12/2 dice)

  • Er, 15/3 = 5

  • Heavy bomber is probably the most powerful tech and is actually imbalanced I believe

    Make Heavy bomber something like : attack@5 or even @6 (auto hit), and can do double bombard when SBR. It would be much fairer.

  • Well actually I’ve thought about the auto-hit option because I’ve seen people like Commander Jen talking about it.  But you’ve got to remember that with the OOB rule of 2 dice at 4 that there is still a 1/9 chance that a bomber doesn’t get a hit at all.  The auto-hit option makes it 0% chance of missing. 
    You know what would be cool, is if each country had its own tech charts.  Some countries could have 2 slots for the same tech to double their chance of getting it, like 2 Heavies for USA and 2 rocket slots for Germany.  Whatever, we’re starting to cross over to house rules (auto-hit bombers, changing tech charts)
    Why don’t we just accept the game as is, including 2 dice heavies.  Each side has 3 countries, and any country can get heavies, plus there are 3 techs that offset the effects of SBR.

  • Just thought I add my bad luck story to this post to make you feel a little better Captain Crunch. I have a friend that is the luckiest mother****** you could ever play against.
    I was playing the Allies in 41 set-up and he already had me in a bad position for the first 10 turns, I managed to hang on by a thread and eventually started to turn things around. I decided to attack France with UK for my D-Day invasion and came in with 15 infantry, 4 tanks (all I had at the time) and most of my planes (5) and bombers (2) , as he had a 10 infantry, 1 tank, 1 AC and 1 plane there defending. So he rolls for his AC gun and rolls five 1s out of a possible 7 planes and basically wipes out my airforce. Then I roll for my 15 infantry, my 4 tanks and my remaining two bombers, and I only manage to hit 5 times with all that, and my two battleship shore bombardments also both missed as well. Talk about bad rolling. Then he defends and hits 7 times out of 10 infantry, hits with his tank and his plane, leaving me with 6 infantry, 4 tanks and 2 bombers. After the battle was done I had 2 infantry, 4 tanks and 2 bombers left. On his next turn he wiped out the rest and takes back France. I felt like quiting right there, but managed to battle though and eventually he conceded when Germany was pushed to the brink by US taking out Italy and UK capturing Poland on the same turn.
    So the moral of the story is hang in there and you never know what might hapen. :-D

  • I think that LRA may be worse than HB in most situations, so I always dread seeing those.  If Germany gets them, the U.K. has to hang back and build up, and the U.S. can’t easily use SZ1.  If the U.K. gets them, Italy’s navy will be easily killed.  I think that tech may be the most unbalanced in the game.  Doesn’t help that I’m having a bad experience with them in a forum game right now  :oops:

  • And what forum game may that be?  <heh heh=“”>  :-D</heh>

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