I was thinking of modifing some of the NOs. Here is what I would go with……
Japan is overpowering we need to lessen their NOs
-Gain 5 ipcs if you have not engaged in combat with Russian forces as attaker or defender at any time during the game. This will simulate the nonaggression treaty with Russia, if either side breaks the treaty then both lose the ipcs. Yes Russia will have the same NO. This one makes the Manchuria, Kiangsu, Thailand NO obsolete.
-Gain 5 ipcs if Axis powers control at least 5 of the territories, Kwangtung, East Indies, Borneo, Phillipines, New Guinea, or Solomon Islands 5 instead of 4 will make it a little harder to get
The other No stays the same.
Italy NOs stay the same
USA is too weak production wise
-Gain 15 ipcs if at the end of your turn the value of all American units in Pacific theatre are more than 90 ipcs,not including ICs or AA guns.
(Pacific theatre includes…Alaska, all pacific islands, WUSA and Pacific ocean)If you really think about it the American people would have been furious if we had not fought Japan after PH. If we are not engaging them then morale should be low and no bonus should be given. This would also get America to its ideal ipc level.
-Gain 5 ipcs if Allied powers control Phillipines
The other 2 NOs are deleted. All American NOs focused on Pacific. If you don’t fight in Pacific you get no bonus.
-gain 5 ipcs if any Axis naval units are in sea zones 1-4 or 6-12 A little harder to get than the France, NWE, Germany, Czech, Bulgaria, Poland NO. That NO is deleted.
Other 2 NOs stay the same
United Kingdom
-Gain 5 ipcs if no Axis naval units in sea zones 1-4 and 6-12. This one deletes the Eastern and western Canada etc etc NO
All others stay the same.
-Gain 5 ipcs if you have not engaged in combat with Japanese forces as attaker or defender at any time during the game. This will simulate the nonaggression treaty with Japan, if either side breaks the treaty then both lose the ipcs. Yes Japan will have the same NO.
-gain 5 ipcs if allies control 3 of the following territories Norway, Finland, Poland,Romania, Czech or Balkans modified from 10 ipcs
Other NO stays the same
Just some ideas with the NOs. I really really hate how powerful Japan is. Yes I do believe more games should be played before anything concrete is decided. But seriously does anyone think they can come up with a plan that doesn’t include KGF? Or a plan that can actually defeat Japan? A game that is global is ideal.
One last idea is possibly making a few of the Chinese territories worth 0 ipcs. This would deny Japan a few dollars a round and doesn’t hurt the chinese infantry builds.