So we finally received our copy through Amazon in the Netherlands and we have multiple rule questions we can’t figure out using the rulebook. So if Matt Hyra or Kevin Chapman could clarify it would be well appreciated :).
- How many sea mines can one country buy on one turn and how many can be placed of those in the same sea zone during deployment?
- Can UK buy ships in her 3x 12 RP convoy zones before round 1 or only ground combat troops?
- The US can requisition 1 free French unit of each type (so either 1 infantry or 1 tank) if they control Oran. Do the US have to pay the french RP value for this infantry or tank from their own income? If so what is the advantage for the US to do so since the french attack/def tank values are worse than the own US troops.
- When do you have to declare the target of German anti-tank guns combined with German stuka’s in 1 attack. They both have the targeted attack capability. Can you declare the stuka target AFTER rolling the anti-tank gun or do you have to declare both targets before any dice are rolled?
That is it so far. We probably encounter more as we play along…