• Official Q&A



    In Anniversary, they are optional.

    Just a question on this point.

    In classic and the cd, tech was in unless both agreed not to use it. Same in revised. All the clubs/tournaments play this way.

    Are you saying for AAAv that yech is out unless both sides agree to use it. Would this be the official club position? tournament position. AAAv LHTR position?

    In the Classic and Revised (including LHTR) rules, tech was not optional.  Playing without it would fall into the realm of house rules.  This would explain the stance of tournament and clubs.

    In Anniversary, the tech rules are stated to be optional.  There is no indication of whether the “default” position is to include them or exclude them, only that “players should decide”.  This leaves anyone the option of declaring the default to be either way, though I would tend to lean toward exclusion, simply on the meaning of “optional”.

  • @Krieghund:



    In Anniversary, they are optional.

    Just a question on this point.

    In classic and the cd, tech was in unless both agreed not to use it. Same in revised. All the clubs/tournaments play this way.

    Are you saying for AAAv that yech is out unless both sides agree to use it. Would this be the official club position? tournament position. AAAv LHTR position?

    In the Classic and Revised (including LHTR) rules, tech was not optional.  Playing without it would fall into the realm of house rules.  This would explain the stance of tournament and clubs.

    In Anniversary, the tech rules are stated to be optional.  There is no indication of whether the “default” position is to include them or exclude them, only that “players should decide”.  This leaves anyone the option of declaring the default to be either way, though I would tend to lean toward exclusion, simply on the meaning of “optional”.

    This helps. Although I’d hate to lose some of the great new techs just because of one.

    As to this “color” thing, the pieces never bothered me, nor the sculpts. For me, how the game playes is the thing. Whether 2 countries share the same plastic tank model… really I could care less.

  • 2007 AAR League

    The discussions about tech amazes me…

    In both classic and AAR, tech was always excluded in all Club, PBEM and Tournaments games I’ve played. In AA50 it is stated an optional rule.

    Still, the thread concerning this optional rule, sees the most posts of them all  :-)

  • @Krieghund:

    Sorry, Rakeman.  I didn’t mean to take my frustration out on you.  I apologize.

    And to everyone else, as well.

    It’s cool man, I wasn’t really involved with the conversation over the last few pages, so I just skimmed through it… actually, I didn’t even know you were the one who first suggested that idea  :-D No apologies necessary IMO.

  • @Perry:

    In both classic and AAR, tech was always excluded in all Club, PBEM and Tournaments games I’ve played. In AA50 it is stated an optional rule.

    That’s one of the reasons I prefer face to face matchs with my 3 pals. Go instant tech!  :-D

  • Heavy Bombers may have been slightly overpowered and it might still be. But on the other hand, in my games it was only HB and Rockets which seemed worth to buy. Thats 4 out of 6 technologies which never got used. Thats a shame cuz the 4 unused technologies might have been realy fun to play with. Except for Jet fighters which is boooring.

    The new system of buying and getting a technology is great. Almost all nations may find in advantius to invest atleast 5pt into a scientist, and all technologies will be used.
    The technology ‘mech. inf’ may not be the most powerfull, but worth 5pt, definitivly.

    On the other hand, I can understand some of the frustration. Lets take jet-planes technology. Anyone could see its totaly stupid. Take AA naval miniatures: maybe a good game, but it is completly destroyed by the totaly imbalance of the battleships. Lets take AA miniatures: the old SS-PG was completly inbalanced. And what I read, totaly destroied all turnament plays. (normal persons will ofcourse maybe get 1 SS-pg unit cuz they did not buy enough boxes, but turney players had 5 of them) And you could spot the inbalance right away. Lets take Tide of iron: a great game with balanced units, but a lot of the senarios are completly unbalanced. Hopefully tide of iron becomes a great game with better senarioes.

    AA has been around for 50years. If they still dont know how to make a balanced game, i will be extremly unsatisfied. However I hope that the bonus IPC would balance the game.

    But over to something completly different: I’m very curious to see what technology on the first main list is WRONG. I have no clue. Some hints please?

  • AA has been around for 50years.

    what?  its been around since like 1981. I wish it was around for 50. Id like to see the 1950’s version of the game. It probably had the A-bomb for sure.

  • @Imperious:

    AA has been around for 50years.

    what?  its been around since like 1981. I wish it was around for 50. Id like to see the 1950’s version of the game. It probably had the A-bomb for sure.

    I wonder why the A-bomb isn’t a technological development. It would be so effective as a defense (Russia could turn the game in one turn if they used it against Germany.). Have any idea why, IL?

  • Politically incorrect weapon. How would it sell in Japan if Japan could be bombed into oblivion yet again in a family game?

    I have a thread on revised techs. Its in them. more to follow.

    The war was the war. you cant sugarcoat the thing and make it into digestible popcorn, or you make a mockery of the people who struggled and died.

  • Very true. We got to remember the Greatest Generation that saved the world from fascist ideology.

  • Official Q&A

    Tech update:


    (Super subs- as per AAR, attack at 3)

    This is correct.

  • /Krieghund

    Thanks, updated!

  • Obviusly I was not thinking when I said A&A has been around for 50 years.  :-P
    But A&A has been around for a long time, and its about time they create a balanced game.

    Anyway, I enjoy the new submarine. The flyabove with one airplane to autokill lone submarines feature was extremly irritating.
    since a sub did cost almost as much as a fighter, and all you need to negate the subs first strike is one single destroyer, it was realy no big point in using them.

    Now at 6point it is significantly cheaper than the fighter.
    The sub is cheaper than the destroyer but has the same/better attacking power.
    In a 1 on 1 attack versus an attack on a cruiser, the submarine would win 50% of the times! (given that subs has first strike)
    So, if fighting for naval dominance, super subs is a very nice technology. Even though not as strong as HB, super subs are still very very good.

    However I still dont see any reason for germany to build submarines, unless ofcourse you ignore russia, build a HUGE fleet and go for UK first. In the 41 senario UK has to many destroyers, and they will in time kill the german fleet. Having lone submarines will sadly soon be dead and useless. I wish I as the germans could build a few subs which I actually could use. As of now, it is only the side with the largest navy which would benefit of building boats, cuz the superior navy will still destroy anything they see. I realy wish germany could benefit from building 1 sub every now and then.

    I’m still very curious about the other technologies.

    Is rockets in? If so, as a land technology or a naval technology?

    Jet: this must be a technology, but whats the effect? +1 in defence is extremly stupid as it is of totaly no use. Who want to
    use fighters as a primary defensive anyway? The attacker just needs to send in a few more men and your fighters are toast.

    Still also pussled about the repair IC technology. In many many cases I would say its completly stupidity. If repair IC is the only thing this technology does I would be dissapointed. Stupid for Japan and USA, most probable stupid for Italy, russia and even for UK. If this is one of the technologies I would realy like to see it replaced with a house-rule as soon as possible…

  • /greandstone

    See the German turn 1 strategy thread where I posted a strategy where you can actually build a sub or two as Germany! I there use the air force and subs to kill off those destroyers turn 1. The air force can be used for a few turns vs. the Royal Navy because the big clash on the Eastern Front will wait until you get extra inf forward as Germany just as in Axis & Allies Revised.

    As for IC repair, I think the idea is that Germany needs this to counter a big air offensive from the Allies. Now research on Land/production might be worth it for the German player. US, UK and Japan will almost always choose from the naval/air chart, I think, so the fact that they won’t have any use for IC repair isn’t a big factor.

  • It would make more sense for Germany to build subs if the game used the convoy route system in A&A Pacific or Europe.  The Super Sub tech for the US makes a lot of sense in the Pacific, especially with the single Japanese destroyer to start.

    I suspect that the real use of the IC repair tech will be on additional Industrial Centers built later, where you have limited production.  An Industrial Center built on a territory with 3 IPC could be very readily knocked out by a Strategic Bombing Raid, with no production until repaired.

  • Lynxes:
    I agree with you. If you build a strategy around killing the UK destroyers the first turn, then yes you could benefit a lot from
    building a few subs. And by all means, that might be a very good strategy to keep the Uk out of France etc.

    However, my point is that you have to set up a strategy spesificly designed to use subs. If you dont, it will probably be stupid to build subs. And if UK builds a Carrier and a few subs herself first turn, in turn 4 and outwards it will probable be completly stupidity to build any more subs as the German player, regardless of earlier strategies.

    As of IC repair, yes, I did not think of that, and that way IC repair might not be that far of. Still I find it somewhat disapointing that you need one tech spesificly for germany to counter one spesific strategy. I would much rather see technologies which could be usefull by everyone, regardless of enemy strategy.

  • Official Q&A


    Improved artillery- each art may now support 2 inf to attack at 2

    This is correct.

  • For bombing raids, the damage done should mainly represent the production disruption rather than dwindle the IPC bank of the defender.

    The way i see it, it should be:

    • Ennemy bomber damage IC up to maximum the territory value.
    • On the damaged IC nation turn, pay 1 ipc per prod slot you WANT to use.
    • Buy your units
    • Play the turn
    • Place units up to current prod value
    • All remaining damage is automatically repaired for free since slots were not used. This represent the effort put to repairs instead of new units.

    Or even simplier than above, use current system but make it that infantry building is not affected by IC damage.

  • Or even simplier than above, use current system but make it that infantry building is not affected by IC damage.

    But infantry needs food, trucks or horses, rifles, ammunition, right? And if they’re killed in their home town while on leave, they can’t go back to fight, can they?

    I think we should discuss counters vs. SBR, given the system as it is in AA50. For this game, they opted to exclude interceptor rules and instead add new land techs to counter vs. SBR. Will they be worth the cost to get? Should Germany go for them from the start or just if the Allies get Heavy Bombers?

  • It has been said that these 2 Techs are actually 1 tech together.

    IC repair- (one IPC removes two points of IC damage)

    Improved production- each IC may now produce two more units per turn

    If that is so then we are missing 1 tech. What could it be?

    Also it was said Radar is on the Naval/air tech card. I would think it would be better suited on the land card. The reason is that Germany would be going for a land tech because of the big land war with Russia. This would be a big help if the Allies acquire HB.

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