Hey guys -
I wanted to start a discussion about bombers and related tech in AA50.
I’ve played maybe 40 games of AA50 (both scenarios) now, usually with tech and NO’s.
Everyone who played Classic A&A by OOB rules remembers that HB were usually a game-ender, because they were 3 dice apiece, and there was no cap on SBR damage. If the other side didn’t get HB themselves, in a hurry, it was usually game over no matter who was ahead at that point (unless it was very lopsided).
However, I think we may have a similar issue in AA50.
Now there are 6 nations, and each normally has significantly more income than in previous games, with the NO’s. Also, the price of bombers has dropped to 12 from 15 (I realize this is in large part because fleet is cheaper) and there are 3 techs (previously 2) that significantly improve bomber performance. Just getting any 2 of them is devastating, especially because the bombers still only cost 12. These techs are so effective, that it is often a good strategy to buy bombers before you even have the techs. Even Italy or Russia, sometimes.
So what I’d like to discuss is these issues. I’m thinking about a house rule that bombers cost 15 again. I mean, they can attack everything at 4, have the longest range, and with more territories, there are more places to land them (thus splitting them up sometimes).
Or, that LRA adds 1 MP to fighters and bombers, not 2. Maybe this whole thing should be in the house rule thread.
Do you think bombers are overpowered or underpriced?
Help me out with my history, here, but did bombers really attack fleets as effectively as they could bomb industrial targets or ground forces? Long range and/or heavy bombers can pretty much annihilate all enemy fleets, and especially, keep the enemy from ever starting one. Is this unrealistic?
I have another game going where my opponent acquired LRA in US1 for 10, and has bought almost nothing but air the entire game. I can’t start a fleet anywhere in the world and keep it alive fore more than a turn. I have a Japanese fleet with about 7-8 destroyers, 2 loaded carriers, etc. and they all have to huddle together to keep from being destroyed (because there is no reflection of the loss of economies of scale/marginal returns (or whatever) in these games - that is , 10 infantry have 10X the efficiency of 1 infantry)
Sorry, I’m just thinking out loud here, from my A&A experiences. What do you think?