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Advanced Battle of the Bulge game
Looking at kicking this game up. Thinking of having some kind of victory condition based on a number of cities you control. And more stuff added. Just starting out.
This is Il’s map but redesigning it to a advanced game maybe.
Seeing if yellow brown for cities better than the red.
think this is it. unless I change cities with values.
@general-6-stars lookin good. I’ve never played it. Played the old Avalon Hill one decades ago. Was similar as it was hex based as well. Was pretty fun
Ya. It’s same map pretty much. Anybody wants map can probably get it to them soon.
I want to set it up so you just roll normal A and D dice. Still keep some oob rules. Add a few more different units maybe. -
So far I have for combat dice rolling each unit will get 2 dice to roll. For now using D6. So
Inf A1/2 D2
Art AD2
Tank AD3
Casualties will be picked in this order. Same as oob. Inf, Art, tank, truck and supply token.But I reversed art with the tank.
Retreats probably any side but may have it like oob or if I go to d12 for every 10-12 rolled a unit retreats or for every 6. Will have to see.
After seeing u can only attack now I’ll have to see which way to go. It’s got the initiative
Sorry. Been long time since I played this game.
So say 3 inf attacking 2 infThe 3 inf get 1 hit. Now does the other side have to remove 1 of the 2 inf ?
Then he can decide if he wants to attack with 1 inf ?
I’m just looking at does the other side have to remove casualties first before he can do hit attack turn ? . -
@general-6-stars said in Advanced Battle of the Bulge game:
The 3 inf get 1 hit. Now does the other side have to remove 1 of the 2 inf ?
The one that was hit must retreat. If it was hit twice, it would be eliminated.
Then he can decide if he wants to attack with 1 inf ?
Yes, if that hex has not already attacked.
I’m just looking at does the other side have to remove casualties first before he can do hit attack turn ? .
OK I think this is it. About 30 hours into it. Only thing changing maybe some kind a icon for victory cities values.
Here’s one of the setup cards. Need to figure rest of reinforcements.
Printed up map. Wow the colors I added and highlighted are cool. Picture here is not as good as in person with naked eye. Should have a setup pic by this weekend.
This is gonna be a sweet Advanced game hopefully.I added bridges so they can be bombed in game. Still needs a few tweaks. Cities are pretty big. Maybe go a bit smaller and tone down the red but man at least you can see them. Lol
Setups. Patton and Montgomery in game plus other German generals. Will help a bit on reroll for a miss or 2.
Supply tokens will be added. Yellow markers for that on map.
So we have a few SS inf, tanks and some tigers.
Bombers will be able to bomb bridges to block movement and or cost a supply token to repair. -
Here’s the setup charts for now.
In time may add more army names or such. For now just testing. Will post rules in a bit.
Started a game. Got 5 turns in. Forgot u got to use your mind here . Lol
Pics are from end of turn 2, 4 and 5.We played straight a a style. Did not use the combat strips. Each side got to attack and defend. Made a rule for planes so not so strong.
Have a retreat rule where for every 2 hits side had to retreat 1 guy.Everything seemed to work out. When u added reinforments we made it where they had to stay on the edge hex. All this was to compensate for the new battle rules.
Will post piece values and rules if somebody wants to see what we have.Will finish game in a week or so. Have my major ww2 game next Saturday so this is on hold
Germany got to 19 points but turn 5 had good weather so planes came in and allies made a push for 5 points. Gonna come down to taking Bastogne or other 2 big cities north.
Turn 2
Turn 4
Turn 5
Awesome !
Border front now on map
Think this is it for map. Gonna do another game soon.
Got 2 more games in. Some minor tweaks
This game shows the Germans getting 34 points for the win. Need 30.Pics are in order end of turn 6, 7 and 8.
Setup charts for now.
@general-6-stars fantastic. Must have been a chore , but great result.
Thanks Leo. Ya got a lot of time in it. Hopefully available pretty quick here for free.
Will be reposting map with 30 victory points chart needed for win.