Quick answer is that bids seem to keep going up with bids over 20 now common.
just the dollar amount.
You must control the tty from the start of the turn to be able to place Defensive Fortifications (see page 33: German Atlantic Wall).
This is not described under “Defensive Fortifications” page 32 - which it actually should to avoid confusion.
I’ll correct this in the rules clarifications, later this year.
@barnee said in Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion:
Rail movement question. If I conquer a TTY , can I ncm to the conquered TTY ?Example
China conquers Yunnan turn 1, can I RR a AA gun and Inf from Manchuria to Yunnan that turn ?Thanks
Hmmm…I’m thinking probably not, as it wasn’t friendly at the start of the turn.From the rulebook “…provided that the player can
trace a line through friendly held land areas from
the start of that turn…”so yea that’ll have to be a player enforced if so. no biggie
Just a comment on railroad movement. Yes cannot move till next turn on rails after capturing a territory and move only in non combat.
Then once u enter Russia territories from either side u need a ground unit in each territory to represent engineering track changes. And of course a direct path.
Hi Manstein,
Concerning Strategic Rail Movement:
According to Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion page 37, you can move landbased units only during Non-Combat - and only through territories that are friendly from the start of the turn - no matter if these territories are friendly occupied or only friendly controlled.
I’m not sure if you were referring to your own 1941 rules…:relaxed:
@the-captain said in Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion:
Hi Manstein,Concerning Strategic Rail Movement:
According to Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion page 37, you can move landbased units only during Non-Combat - and only through territories that are friendly from the start of the turn - no matter if these territories are friendly occupied or only friendly controlled.
I’m not sure if you were referring to your own 1941 rules…:relaxed:
Not really. Was just a suggestion if it was to be tweaked. Was just a more advanced rule for using Russian rail
I would like to post a pic of some rail rules if u don’t mind ? I am looking at adding to my game. Figure best spot for opinions ?
@Captain i like your work, do you have techs yet?
@The-Captain right on. I didn’t think to check Atlantic Wall. Yea, that all makes sense and seems logical.
Still got to be careful with Italy, because I’ve been sending the S Africans to Egypt turn 1.
Had to send 3/4 of the Luftwaffe to Alexandria turn 2 and it’s still questionable lol Rommel be landing next turn if they hold heh heh
I’ll update game notes next update. Getting ready to start rd 2. Gotta edit some dudes for china and ANZAC lol
Hi Manstein,
I like your work - and I’ve played your Global 1941 game several times. It’s great!:muscle: And it works in conjunction with the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion, with just a few adjustments.
I would suggest - to avoid confusion with this topic Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion- that your pics. and rule suggestions could be posted seperately from this thread.
Simply to avoid confusion, since the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion is quite comprehensive - and players have to relate to all these new units & rules:relaxed:
This would also have the advantage, that we could all work together on further Rules Developement - and possibly uniform new rules to be usable for both your Global 1941 - and Global 1940.
Later this year, I’ll post a Rules Clarification for the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion - mostly based on barnee’s developement of the TripleA version for use with the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.
@the-captain said in Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion:
Hi Manstein,
I like your work - and I’ve played your Global 1941 game several times. It’s great!:muscle: And it works in conjunction with the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion, with just a few adjustments.
I would suggest - to avoid confusion with this topic Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion- that your pics. and rule suggestions could be posted seperately from this thread.
Simply to avoid confusion, since the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion is quite comprehensive - and players have to relate to all these new units & rules:relaxed:
This would also have the advantage, that we could all work together on further Rules Developement - and possibly uniform new rules to be usable for both your Global 1941 - and Global 1940.
Later this year, I’ll post a Rules Clarification for the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion - mostly based on barnee’s developement of the TripleA version for use with the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.
Ok. Sounds good. That’s why I asked first.
You’re most welcome to upvote our Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion:+1:
We haven’t changed the OOB Techs - other than the date for Weapons Developement which cannot take place until Late 1943.
I was higly inspired by Larry Harris and his team when we had to develope rules for Heavy Bombers, Me 262 Jetfighter etc. Several units throughout the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion are inspired and developed in this way.
We wanted to make some of the Tech units more accessible to players - not through Weapons Developement/Technological Research - but simply by purchasing them.
Since Techs are widely used when playing the OOB version, we have considered to work on it - we just haven’t got that far yet…
The big challenge would be to make Techs sufficiently attractive, considering the variety of units & rules that are already represented in the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.
@The-Captain just to double check, a Waffen SS Army has to have already been formed before it can regroup in ncm. You can’t “Form” an Army in ncm, unless you’re just replacing casualties. Can’t make a brand new one. The Ober that wasn’t commanding an Army, can’t form one. Correct ?
@The-Captain Another one : ) Can Paras activate Pro-Neutrals ? My guess is yes but … not 100% sure
You can form a Waffen-SS Army during the Non-Combat Movement phase as well as during Place New Units phase.
Example 1:
During Non-Combat Movement, Germany moves 1 Waffen-SS infantry unit from German controlled Novgorod through German controlled Belarus to German controlled Bryansk.
Also, Germany moves 1 Waffen-SS Panzer unit and 1 Waffen-SS Panzer Grenadier unit from German controlled Ukraine to Bryansk.
These 3 Waffen-SS units link up with a Waffen-SS Oberst-Gruppenführer unit that simultaneously moves from Western Ukraine to Bryansk.
The German player announces that these 4 Waffen-SS units now form a Waffen-SS Army - and moves all these Waffen-SS units to the Waffen-SS Army Board (next to the gameboard) and places them accordingly at the dice symbols (naturally the Waffen-SS Panzer unit must be placed at the 2-dice symbol in the back - and the Waffen-SS Oberst-Gruppenführer unit at the 2-dice symbol at the front of the Waffen-SS Army Board).
The Waffen-SS Army Marker belonging to that Waffen-SS Army Board is then placed in Bryansk.
This Waffen-SS Army is now ready for combat.
It doesn’t matter if Belarus or Bryansk were German or Soviet controlled at the beginning of the German players turn.
Naturally, none of these Waffen-SS units have taken part in any attack during this turn, since they would then have already moved - and could therefore not move during the Non-Combat Movement phase.
In this example, Novgorod, Ukraine and Western Ukraine are German controlled from the start of the German players turn.
Example 2:
The German player attacks with 1st and 2nd Waffen-SS Armies from German controlled Bryansk into Soviet controlled Smolensk - destroy all Soviet units - and takes control of Smolensk.
In this example both Waffen-SS Armies are identical and each consists of 1 Waffen-SS infantry unit, 1 Waffen-SS Panzer Grenadier unit, 1 Waffen-SS Panzer unit and 1 Waffen-SS Oberst-Gruppenführer unit.
The 2nd Waffen-SS Army has suffered casualties during combat - and has lost 1 Waffen-SS infantry unit. The remaining Waffen-SS units from the 2nd Waffen-SS Army are returned to the game board - and the 2nd Waffen-SS Marker is returned to the 2nd Waffen-SS Army Board.
During Non-Combat Movement the German player decides to reinforce Smolensk and moves one Waffen-SS Panzer unit from Western Ukraine to Smolensk - and announces that this Waffen-SS Panzer unit links up with the surviving Waffen-SS units from the 2nd Waffen-SS Army.
The 2nd Waffen-SS Army is now active again - and all units in this Army are moved to the 2nd Waffen-SS Army Board - and the 2nd Waffen-SS Army Marker is returned to Smolensk.
Example 3:
During the Repair and Purchase New Units phase, the German player purchases 1 Waffen-SS Oberst-Gruppenführer unit (and replaces a Waffen-SS infantry unit that is already present in Germany from a previous round with this Waffen-SS Oberst-Gruppenführer unit).
In Germany are also 2 Waffen-SS Panzer Grenadier units and 1 Waffen-SS Panzer unit from a previous round.
The German player announces that these Waffen-SS units link up to form a Waffen-SS Army. This Waffen-SS Army is ready for combat movement, combat etc. on this turn.
@the-captain right on. In example 2 only 1 of the SS Armies would be active when they attacked though. Correct ?
Cool that’s good info. These Army Groups take a bit of edit use, but basically, before turn start and after combat, can be created.
I know a lot of triplea users won’t like it, but if you’re used to playing ftf, shouldn’t be a biggie : )
Yes - in example 2, only 1 Waffen-SS Army is active during the attack, since only 1 Army (any kind) can be active in the same territory.
If these two Waffen-SS Armies were part of an Army Group, the German player would have 2 dice at “4” during the attack in each round of combat for as long as the Army Group is intact.
During board games, of course it is much easier to maneuver these complex formations.
The major advantage in TripleA is, that you can agree on the time frame in which to play the game - this could be several months - and you could even play several games simultaneously.
This option is - mostly - not possible during FTF.
Nonetheless, no matter if you play FTF or TripleA - once you,ve played Global 1940 with the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion - there is no going back…
@the-captain :+1:
Loving it myself : )
Keeping track of the Armies and Groups requires some diligence, but hey, triplea does most of it for ya :)
@the-captain said in Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion:
Nonetheless, no matter if you play FTF or TripleA - once you,ve played Global 1940 with the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion - there is no going back…
@The-Captain does UK need to be at war with Japan to destroy it’s Pacific facilities ?
Any Nation - even if not at War - can destroy a facility that this Nation controls from the start of that turn.
To destroy a factory/industrial complex, it must be converted to an Underground Factory on a previous turn - and it must also be controlled from the start of the turn where it is destroyed.
The Soviet Union has - as the only Nation - the option to destroy any of its industrial complexes any time during the game.
This is described in detail at page 21 :+1:
@the-captain right on I just dusted Singapore’s harbor lol