An accurate version of Axis And Allies Global 1940

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21


    For pictures of the painted playing pieces, you can go to “Global 1943 House Rules Expansion” - a series of pictures are attached. This is the best I can do for you.

    Also, go to “Customizations” at this forum - there you’ll find tons of pics. with various painted pieces (including my own) - I’m quite sure some players even sell these painted units…

    As for the RULEBOOK, we don’t have any available paperback version, simply to keep production costs at a minimum, since we’ve made everything available to the Worldwide Axis & Allies Community - for free.

    All players print out their own copy - and for those players who don’t have painted pieces, they use the paper version - at least as a start.

    Anyway, you need to print and use Army Boards & Markes, Timetable, Expanded National Production Chart, IPC Markers for the Pacific, Heavy Industry etc.

    As you’ll discover when studying our pics., we also use a combination of the printed paper version and painted playing pieces, since this is the ultimate solution.

    This also makes it easier for new players to meet up - and recognize the game components.

    Most importantly (as we always instruct to new players) - find a quick & easy way to get your game started.

    Focus on becoming familiar with units & rules. Work together in your play group during the first couple of games, to better understand the game mechanismes, game components, units & rules etc.

    Later, as you get familiar with the game, then you can enhance your game components and playing pieces.

    That’s what we did - and it works for us:+1:

  • 2024 2023 '22

    @the-captain said in An accurate version of Axis And Allies Global 1940:


    Great idea :+1:

    Since you refer to the Global 1940 game, I imagine that you have already considered the scale & time on which the Global 1940 game is played.

    You might find some inspiration in the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion (released 20th April 2021) since these Expansion rules account for this scale & time.

    Concerning your ideas, such as logistics, pilot training, morale etc. we would need more specific informations from you (basically your own version of these rules), in order to support and develope a set of rules, that would accommodate your thoughts.

    Look forward to hear from you:+1:

    An idea I have about morale is that we could make a chart, and whenever the respective nations win or lose battles, the nation’s morale goes up or down. There could be an equation based on the amount of units destroyed (on both sides), the IPC value of the territory captured (including any National Objectives), the facilities there, and if there are victory cities in it (or not captured), and the strategic location (for example, Smolensk might achieve a higher morale than other territories, due to it being a highway for Moscow). Perhaps this can also affect other nations of the same side to a lesser degree, and we might be able to make it so that continuous victories on multiple fronts will give bonus morale increases.

    Also, if the US makes an unprovoked declaration of war (maybe it can even apply to if Japan makes an unprovoked declaration of war against Britain and ANZAC, as the US public might be divided over Americans dying to preserve European colonial empires), there could be a drop in morale, due to divided public support over fighting the war without a provocation, such as an Axis attack.

    I hope you like this?

  • @superbattleshipyamato123

    I suggest the following:

    1. Sum up the rules you have in mind - and formulate the rules in a way similar to the OOB G40 rulebook - so new players can read, understand and play.

    2. When you have your rules in place, you should play test them several times with your play group.

    In this way you’ll gradually find out, which rules work - and which needs modification.

    So, let’s say that you have completed and play tested your house rules in for example 3-4 months - then you can search for volunteers to further play test your house rules.

    Your ideas are interesting - so if you really want to contribute to the Axis & Allies Community with your house rules, I’m convinced that this is the way to do it.

    We (Danish Axis & Allies Community) are now entering our next Axis & Allies Gaming Season (October-May) with several tournaments (Wiking-Con) so we already have “our hands full”, so to speak.

    I hope that you and your play group come up with An accurate version of Axis & Allies Global 1940 that will inspire players - and bring tons of fun & challenge.

    Good luck & have fun:+1: :+1:

  • 2024 2023 '22


    Thank you for responding!

    Firstly, my main reason for creating this topic is to ask the community to take my ideas and fine tune them (such as coming up with the exact equation for my morale chart)-not to fine tune them myself. Because of this, I would like to ask the community again to help me out with this.

    I think the Axis And Allies 1940 Global House Rules Expansion works in this function, but as I pointed out, it still doesn’t capture all of that. Perhaps you could use some of my ideas, make into your version, and add it to a new section of your rulebook? Thank you!

    Other than that, I think the rulebook is great, I will just need to find a way to make the new unit markers feel like the actual game markers (my paper in the printer is thinner than the markers used in the game, so it doesn’t feel right).

    Also, I don’t play the game with a lot of people, I just usually play against myself, to try out different strategies, such as Operation Sealion, or new National Advantages, or scenarios such as “what if Japan attacked the Soviet Union, putting them in a two front war with Germany as well?”. I also don’t have the time to play test any new ideas I have, maybe when you have time you can do that once you have refined my ideas.

    Finally, I just want to say that these are just ideas for you, you don’t have to do the things I wrote here, we all have busy lives, but I still would like the community to help out with my ideas.

    Again, thank you for responding!

  • Hi @superbattleshipyamato123

    yea just keep testing stuff out best as you can. i play solo as well and added a bunch of peoples House Rules ideas from the Redesign thread started by @Black_Elk

    mostly, with other ideas added from other sources as well.

    i’m on a G 40 Expansion kick right now, but if you find something you like and want it added, I’ll be happy to do it if possible. This is for triplea computer game, so you can test stuff a lot faster.

  • @superbattleshipyamato123

    I’m convinced that with Waffen-SS units, Me 262 Jetfighter units, Wolf Packs, Type XXI U-boat units, King Tiger etc. - the Germans don’t need any morale boosting :blush: :muscle:

    I’ll bring your ideas to our Veterans Play Group, during the coming A&A gaming season. Maybe by start next year, we’ll have time to look into it :+1:

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @the-captain heh heh I’ve been going big on the wolfpacks in my test games lol

    Paras too : )

  • @barnee said in An accurate version of Axis And Allies Global 1940:

    @the-captain heh heh I’ve been going big on the wolfpacks in my test games lol

    Paras too : )

    Hey. You not in my command !!!

  • 2024 2023 '22


    Thank you for responding and taking my ideas!

    Perhaps we could do something with the morale chart where if a country goes into total war or buy some of those new units you described (perhaps it could be only limited to the units that use new technology, such as Tiger Two tanks, E-100 tanks, Type 21 U-boats or new research developments as well), the morale goes up, symbolising the public’s renewed hope in these developments.

    These are some ideas for morale effects:

    Higher or lower industrial production (either losing or gaining extra space in industrial complexes, or units being cheaper or more expensive)

    If morale drops really low, perhaps units on the side that is affected cannot attack, have a penalty when defending, and only defend normal when defending original territories (may not apply to special units, such as fanatical Waffen SS, or elite Guards infantry, US Marines, or British Commandos, and obviously elite infantry-after all, that’s partly why they are elite units).

    When morale drops extremely low (probably the lowest on the chart), there could be a possible revolution which could make the country surrender. How this works is that all of the power’s territories will no longer allow units to enter from any side. All foreign units inside these territories will have to move to the closest friendly adjacent territory (it can also be the closest friendly transport, provided that the transport is not full). The power will stay neutral for the rest of the game. Another idea is that for certain countries (or possibly all, I’m not sure about the likelihood of this happening) such as Italy or France, they can instead defect to the other side, making it a full member of the opposite side. If Italian morale has fallen so low that this happens, a German take over of Italy can happen the moment this happens, instead of having to wait for Germany’s turn (whenever the Allies capture an original Italian territory, they liberate it instead). Whichever version is used, any revolution happening will have the power return all captured territories to the respective powers on the other side.

    Perhaps if morale is high, units can get an attack and defence bonus, especially on original territories.

    Another idea I have is that if morale is lower than a certain level, the player can spend IPCs to make it go up again. This cannot happen after a revolution (if a power defects to the other side, they can still spend their IPCs to raise morale for continuing fighting on the side they defected to).

  • @the-captain

    Due to the fact that whilst most of your rules are historically accurate, their execution I have some problems with. To fix that, I wrote an article on changes to The Captain’s rules:

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