good point CS.
This comes up a lot when you attack Leningrad. Defending, 1 Cruiser, 1 Sub + 1 (or more) fighters available to scramble.
The Germans approach with 1 BB, 1CA, 3 TT. Instead of leaving the fighters to defend the city of Leningrad–they scramble alongside the 2 Russian ships, attempting to kill the BB and CA and stop the amphib landing aspect altogether (which can flub the battle for the Germans by leaving inadequate accompanying ground and air units in a battle they must fight at least 1 round).
Since the Germans are attacking in this scenario, if they do lose their combat ships, the transports can withdraw 1 space and the units on the TT may not disembark–because the amphib has not started. Even if all the ships and planes on both sides die, the TTs can still proceed to land.
In this scenario, its advisable to send at least 1-2 German planes with the ships, and more planes to deal with the land battle. This dissuades the scramble and leaves the russian planes to die with the ground troops.
Even if the scramble is unsuccessful in destroying the German fleet, or the Leningrad is lost, if the scramblers can land within 1 space in an adjacent friendly teritory, they are not destroyed. I think.